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Presentation nerves

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I have to do a presentation for a module at university next week. I am dreading it, and was just looking for some tips on how to go through with it.


I am not a terribly shy person, but i am quite reserved. I rarely speak out in lectures unless i really dont understand something.


But thinking about it now i feel really nervous, and am just looking for tips to just make me get on with it.


Any ideas?

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Ok, the truth of it is, you will get up there, go bright red and think it will never ever end. Your voice might tremble a bit, but when you're up there, it's actually not that bad!! I have the same thing as you, REALLY don't like presenting things as all eyes are on me...

Have you got a PowerPoint or anything going on in the background, or anything to take the eyes off of you and give you somewhere to put your hands so they don't wobble or stick by your sides in penguin fashion? It really helps..

Smile a lot, look happy and pretend to feel confident because that's what makes people think you're confident and they are more impressed by you.

You WILL be fine, although you may be dreading it, so just keep dreading but practising in front of your friends, family etc. Alternatively you could just accept it as something you have to do and don't worry about it until the day, then get up there a DO IT!!

Good luck, you'll be fine!

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Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Do it in front of your friends, do it in front of your parents, and do it by yourself. The better you know your material and the more you practice it, the easier it will be and the more confidence you will have. When it comes presentation day, you will be less nervous and more confident. Remember that other classmates must present too, so they won't be very critical of you - they'll be thinking about their own presentations too. Good luck, and practice!

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Thanks all for the advice. I just keep telling myself these things and try to train my mind not to be worried (if that makes any sense). But i bet no matter what i try to do , my body will do something else!!!


I have completed it now so, i will get as much practice as possible in presenting. Im thinking of using some visual aid to get the eyes off me...


Thanks for all your advice x x x

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There are tablets or something called Calms, and they apparently work? They don't make you so your drowsy or lethargic, just calmer than normal under the stressful situation. I had a presentation last week, and the things people do the worst in is eye contact and speaking slowly. Make sure you know your material and have done enough research.


Good Luck! Hk87

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The visual aid is a great idea, if it makes you feel more confident.

Role play - pretend you own that room. You are the sole leader of everyone there.

It is basically just acting.


Charisma is not impossible to achieve. And confidence is not impossible to 'put on'.


You can do it.

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1. Practice for 3 to 4 hours, preferably in front of the mirror.

2. Practice until you have the material memorized, so you don't have to read off.

3. Look at each person during the presentation. Make eye contact with everyone, including the teacher.

4. Ask questions of the class.

5. Anticipate and prepare for what questions the students or teacher may ask you.

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1. Practice, Practice, Practice - If you walk into the room feeling like you know the material inside and out, it will be less nervewracking.


2. You are in control - You have done the research and probably know more about the topic then anyone else in the classroom. That means you have the edge. Odds are you will probably impress people with your knowledge.


3. What not to do: Picture the audience in their underwear. You will either be scared by the thought or be laughing to hard to concentrate on the presentation.


(Ok, that one was meant as a joke. Hope it made you smile. :splat: )


4. Visual aid is a must - Most likely powerpoint slides, they were pretty much required for me. They make the topic easier to follow as it provides an outline of what you are talking about. If you get nervous you can look at it and get back on track. Also, try to make it interesting visually. If you aren't good with it, see if a friend can help you out. If the audience has something lively and entertaining to look at, while still keeping the main points in there mind, they will be into the presentation more and will be more impressed and favorable of what you say.


5. Eye contact - Pick a few people scattered accross the room. Every so often shift to another person. That way you can be seen and heard better by the whole class, and you are looking at everyone. But you can still feel like you are just speaking to a few friends.


6. Audience particpation - If appropriate, make it interactive. Ask them questions. Say you are talking about cell phones and the latest trends. Start of by asking if anyone has purchased a cell phone lately and what they looked for. You want the audience to be involved and interested.


8. Catchy opening - Get there attention first. Then they will be intrigued to hear what follows.


7. Have a conversational tone - Classmates always told me I was a good public speaker, and I think this is why. A lot of time people go up there and read from a paper or recite a bunch of information. That can get dull and doesn't hold people's attention. But when I spoke, I wanted people to listen. So I tried to be entertaining. I wasn't afraid to make a joke, so long as it was small and didn't detract from the main points. If I asked someone in the audience a question, I'd make some comment about what they said that showed a personal touch. Use hand gestures, show entusiasm in your voice. If you appear to be having fun giving the presentation, the audience will have fun.


8. Stay calm - Most important thing is to not panic. It is just a speech. It will be over before you know it. You know the material and will do fine. Just believe in yourself.

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