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I was weak and feeling down...

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Dogg, you say you're going back to NC but then you want to send something to your ex on her B-day. Each time you contact her you destroy any dignity you may have left. The only way you're ever going to get better is when you start to let go. But it's obvious you can't do that yet. So do whatever you want. Do what you feel is right. It's clear you still need to get these urges of contacting her out of your system. You won't get her back but the rejection will help you let go.


Basically you have 2 choices. Try to let go and begin the healing process or keep holding on like you are now. Either way you still have some tough times ahead. Holding on only prolongs your agony and actually makes the wound that much worse. Remember, she quit on you. You have NO obligation to her whatsoever. My suggestion to you would be to take the focus off of your situation for a while. You need some perspective on life right now. Try helping out the less fortunate. You'd be amazed at how insignificant ALL our problems are compared to those in need. And you might be able to get some wisdom from someone who has lived a full life.

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Dogg, you did everything you could to get her back. Now show her you love her by letting her go. If she doesn't come back then you know it wasn't meant to be. If she misses you she will break down walls to come see you. If she loves you she would do everything you did x's 10 to get you back. Love always finds a way.

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Dogg - the reason that we all come to this forum is that it helps us get back on our feet again after we screw up and make contact - this isn't letting you or the members of the forum down. It's just telling you that you are a human being with all the failures and foibles that human's have

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I think the best thing to do at this point is to not send her a card. Seriously, who cares what she thinks? She jumped ship on you, you are no longer obligated to her in any way. Its like SuperDave said, if you do nothing you can't screw anything up.

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