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Safe Sex Survey

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According to a recent study I saw, the age group most likely to NOT use protection during intercourse are those aged 20-24 and those over 45.


Anyway my answers:


1. Female

2. 26

3. No - in a long term committed/monogamous relationship

4. Long time user of the birth control pill.

5. No.


I would be using condoms if my partner and I were not tested for STIs or I was not on the pill, or we were not prepared for the consequences should the pill fail though! Same goes if I was single.

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The truth is that many people dont have the safest sex that they could be having. But I believe that people seem to use adequate amounts of protection, such as condoms for example. The truth is that they are always risks when having sex, oral sex, touching or kissing. You cannot be 100% safe an from STI infection.


There has to be some kind of assumption of risk when you have sex with another person. You will never know about the other person 100%, just remember that you are the only person who has to live with your mistakes. Educate yourself about STIs and make your decision. Just looking at the answers to the survey I would say that generally people are leaving themselves open to a potential STI infection since they dont use the maximum amount of protection but it seems like they are doing as most people do and thats play the odds and hope for the best.

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1. Female

2. 16

3. Yes, ALWAYS, although quite stupidly the 1st and 3rd times I had sex I didn't use ANY protection at all.. and that partner had been with like a million other girls and he was my first time. Soooo lucky I didn't get an STD!!

4. No, although I am thinking about it.

5. no

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