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I don't know what to do?

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hi its funny cus i never had this problem bfore.well i used to work out an all an i was really fit an everythin but i stopped cus i wanted to grow taller and i wasnt growin one bit since i started workin out.so i stopped workin out an as soon as i stopped i grew bout an inch in 2 months.but im gettin fat nowhere else but jus my stomach the layer of skin on my stomach is real thick an its as if my stomach has somthin inside it b4 i eat liek left over food or sumthin.wut shud i do?and is there like a special doctor like a nutrtionist that can give me a diet that i can follow to not get fat an b healthy until i decide to work out again?i mean i excersize an all but i gues it isnt enuff cus i eat ALOT.


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My recommendation is doing 100 crunches/situps and enrolling in English 101.



DOn't be mean to the poor guy maybe he is young, or he was typing super fast and made a few typos




anyway you shouldn't eat after 7pm if you are hungry have a snack. DRink LOTS of water. and Basically cut down on stuff. eat lots of fruits and vegetables and don't eat white bread.

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running? depends on how fit you are to begin with. just start with going for a jog every 2nd day - just jog as long as you can for now, and after abit, you can either increase distance or speed. it doesn't take long either, took me a yr and a half to go from 800m to 12km. just dont start smoking or ya loose it all.

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How old are you? More than likely the working out IS NOT going to stunt your growth. The way most kids stunt their growth is lifting extremely heavy weight, over and over. For instance, maxing out on bench press every day for weeks on end, or putting 400lb on squats and trying to get it off the rack to impress your friends.


In fact, moderate weight lifting (doing 8-12 reps per set with a weight that doesnt feel like it's going to hurt you) can actually increase height by increasing your natural growth hormone and testosterone levels slightly.


If you are getting chubby, try eating smaller meals each day that dont really 'fill you up', but eating 5-6 times a day and work out. For instance:


7:00am: breakfast (eggs, toast, milk, orange)

10am: snack between classes, hide a protein bar in your locker maybe.

12pm: lunch (chicken sandwhich, fruit, etc)

4pm: yogurt, fruit, whole wheat crackers

4:30: lift weights or run (dont run more than 30mins, dont lift more than 1hr)

5-5:30: protein shake

7-8pm: dinner (get some veggies, etc)


Also dont take that to the T. Be flexible with it, just make sure you are getting in healthy food, and avoid cokes/candy/sweets.


When I was 16, almost 17, I was in your shoes. I didn't like how I felt or looked. After 4 weeks of working out and eating NO SUGAR (which was very hard), I was still the same weight but much stronger and could see a little definition, that was the motivation. By the time I was 18, I had a 6 pack and was about 20lb heavier (gained almost 30lb of muscle in a year, and grew ove an inch).


As far as supplements, stick with a multivitamin and vitamin c. Get plenty of sleep, and I garantee in 6 weeks you'll be a new man!

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