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Does she like me now?


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Sorry about this post being so long guys, i just wanted to write in all the details.



I posted a few months ago about a girl i liked. Ive known her for over seven years, but have only been friends for one year and i've only actually liked her more than as a friend for half. I told her via txt a few months ago that i liked her, and i got the whole "I like you as a friend and don't want to ruin that friendship" thing. From this site i got the advice i expected and knew already: she probably doesn't like me that much and quite likely not even as a friend.


But i don't understand. She seems to be attracted to me. She laughs at all my jokes, I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE. Even the ones that aren't funny. She always smile sweetly whenever she sees me, and i seem to be the first guy she says hello to every morning at school from our mutual group of friends (about 18 people). I always catch her glancing at me, and if we make eye contact she always smiles and mouthes a silent "hi" to me.

We never talk on the phone, only meet outside of school if it's a gathering of our whole group. She has asked me if i have msn but i don't. but we talk very often via txt. She seems to only text me once every two or three weeks, but in that week we spend pretty much every single night talking. She's pretty much the one initiating conversation every time. Shes also constantly bugging me to get MSN so i can talk to her while she's overseas on a six-month holiday later this year.


Now a few nights ago she texted me, and the conversation led to us talking about our upcoming exams (in like 5 days). She's not very good at maths so she asked for help with a question. I texted her back with some help, and then she asked if I want to meet up in the weekend and study together. I was quite surprised by this because she has a lot of girl and guy friends who are much better at math than me.

The next day i asked her if she's still up for math on saturday and she said sure. one of her friends then said something about how "studying" might have a double meaning (everyone including the girl i like knows that i like her cos i other than telling her by sms i like her, i also asked her to the prom (and got, although nicely, turned down)) the girl i like then laughed sort of nervously and said that it would have been a bit dodgier if i said we were going to study biology.


Yesterday we had our last day of school. At the end of the day she came up to me and said "Umm about saturday, it's quite close to the exams, maybe it'd be better if i just studied by myself this weekend, i think that would be more productive. Sorry, i truly had every intention of studying, but yea.." i said that it would probably be good to test each other, and she said "maybe, i dunno i'll see. Ill text you."

She then smiled as sweetly as ever and said bye.


I don't want to be overanalyzing or anything, but does she like me? She turned me down twice nicely, but seems to like talking to me. I did overhear someone talking about her a while ago and saying "oh my god, how many guys does she like?".


Did she try to cancel the study thing because she really thought it would be better to study alone? (I mean, she was the one who asked me)

Did she ask me to study with her because she really needed help or because she likes spending time with me?

Should i confront her and tell her i still like her? (i think i've made it pretty obvious, but it has been a long time since i told her)

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I think you're just a good friend man, nothing more. I mean, I know you like this girl...a lot, but you have to sit back and read what you've written. I know that when you really like someone, it easily blinds you from the truth, but you've written it out right here. You've asked her to prom, and were turned down, and you told her you liked her, and she gave you the 'friend's speech.' That's two turn downs, I dont see anything that could make that more clear, you need to try and get to know other girls....this girl is just a good friend of yours, and nothing more, so stop analyzing her every action and word because you're just going to drive yourself crazy...good luck.

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She doesn't know what she wants. Maybe she likes you, but likes SO many guys that she is not ready to commit to--or choose which one to go to prom with--just yet. Maybe you posess a quality that she sees as more of a friend and perhaps shes just the natural flirt type. Or maybe because you like her, everything she seems to do, your trying to figure out if she likes you or not. Chances (unfortunately) are that she probably doesn't like you in any other way than a friend. If she wanted to get to know you, she would have not cancelled the study date (whether it was for studying or not).....I suggest that you keep the friendship going, but try persuing a different girl =)

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She rejected you twice. That means she wasn't interested enough. That doesn't mean she couldn't be interested right NOW. This is a tricky situation and it's difficult to advice without seeing you guys together. Why don't you learn body language and try to figure out whether or not she likes you?


Some signs are: Tilting her head to side, looking at you from sorta.. corner of her eye, pupils dilating... etc. there's lots of them. Google search for more.

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I agree with Markers. If a girl likes you, she will make time for you!!

If you don't want to give up easily, try one more time to invite her somewhere. If she rejects you again without suggesting any concrete alternative plan (not just "maybe i'll see you later"), you get your answer.

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do u guys think i should talk about it with her?


No. What's the point? Do you need a 3rd rejection?


I am shocked by how many people on here have said something to the effect of, "Maybe she likes you..." She has told him her answer. So what she is flirty and laughs at his jokes. You can't flirt and laugh at your friends jokes? This is very very very common. The fact is that she knows you like her, you've asked her out more than once, and she has told you no more than once. There is nothing more here to read. Move on already before you really start looking desperate and clingy.

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She could be either just a flirtacious girl or, she does happen to like you except she doesn't want to ruin the friendship so yeah she won't act upon it. You kinda get what I'm saying man? Ok here's what you should keep in mind later on. Once you get to know her throw in the ******* monkey wrench early on lol, just because it'll make life easier for you . But that's alright man, everyone makes mistakes. I know I've done what you have before so yeah haha.


But i don't understand. She seems to be attracted to me. She laughs at all my jokes, I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE.
Yeah, she is into you obviously, I don't know really any girl that wouldn't smile and mouth a hi unless they were into you. But if she's turned you down 2 times, then you pretty much have you're answer but there's one more time, so if she rejects you again you can just forget about her. It'll take time but you gotta do it. Just thinking here but if i was infatuated for 7 years and finally got to know her for a year I would have a hard time to get over her, but yeah like I said you have to do it.
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I think that she very much enjoys your company and likes you a lot as a friend. There is potential there, but since she has turned you down, I don't think you should have much hope. Something made her turn you down, which means something about you makes her hesitate to actually date you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Look, it seems to be fairly clear to me that she likes you. Now the matter is HOW MUCH does she like you? The turning you down could be that shes just shy about these things. You said she told you she wanted to study by herself so she could really get some work done. Doesnt that suggest to you she had general chilling with you in mind, more than just studying?!


As mentioned, look out for signs and body language. You've said that you heard from others that she likes a lot of guys. Maybe that's the case. Maybe shes confused as to who she really likes, and who she just has a lil crush on... I say just keep things going as they are. Keep up subtle signs that you're interested in her but dont go over the top and freak her out. In the end, its her choice. Just be there for her, be supportive of her actions etc, dont criticise her (not saying you do!) . Though, like with the studying incident, it may really get you down if she pulls out of something, but dont desperately try and change her mind. This'll only be off putting. Just be like "Oh, ok, if you feel it'll be better that way...". Then you've got the "some other time" to work with, if another opportunity comes up later on (another test or something). Whatever you do, don't push her or act as if your presurising her. Just be there. If thing's are meant to be then they'll happen, trust me. Good luck!

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