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are men sensitive to balding?


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i noticed this guy was balding. it's pretty obvious. i asked him....."hey, are you balding?" and then i asked him "are you worried ur hair will fall out?" and he shrugged it off. i was kind of patting his hair..i mean i wasnt bothered by it.


now i think about it, was that a sensitive topic?


what kind of topics are sensitive to men? and what should i never bring up?

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Well, I think for MOST men that would be a sensitive topic. Like most people who are overweight wouldn't like to hear questions like "Do you mind to have that weight?" or "Do you ever think of dieting?".


Why would you ask a guy if he was balding if it's obvious that he is?



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Yes, some men indeed are. I know others whom aren't so much as they have been that way for so long they just don't really care anymore....but I think it was a rather rude/insensitive way to approach it considering you don't know how he feels about it yet. I have dated balding & bald men whom could care less, and I have dated men with full heads of hair who were terrified they WERE going to go bald, so you really can't know...but you can always exercize tact and respect.


I mean, why would you even ASK if it was OBVIOUS as you stated?


How would you like it if he said to you "hey, are you getting wrinkley?", "are you worried that you skin is sagging underneath your chin?"...

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Yeah, topics about a persons body should be avoided.


I'm not balding (I hope) but don't ask me. I'm very tall and thin, but don't tell me I'm skinny or how jealous you are that I can eat anything. It feels like an insult.


The plastic surgery line is good - think about if that was mentioned about a womans breasts? "Have you ever thought about getting implants?" Feels like a slap in the face.


Just don't do it again.

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i noticed this guy was balding. it's pretty obvious. i asked him....."hey, are you balding?" and then i asked him "are you worried ur hair will fall out?" and he shrugged it off. i was kind of patting his hair..i mean i wasnt bothered by it.


now i think about it, was that a sensitive topic?


what kind of topics are sensitive to men? and what should i never bring up?



Oh yeah....


I stay away from these types of comments for sure....I just don't go there, and if I do...it's only cuz the guy makes a joke about it first.


I'd just wish they'd start balding in other places like: their back hair, chest hair...other hair. LOL!

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part of the reason why i thought it was okay was because i was seeing this guy for awhile. he was completely bald by choice, had a shaved head and everything. he told me that he was balding and that if he grew hair ppl could see he was going bald. so he just decided to shave it all off.


since he was so comfortable and accepting of it.......well, he seemed okay with talking about this.


i think i just carried the assumption over to this guy that it would be okay to mention balding and baldness.. btw, he told me he has been balding since he was 20 but he is 36 now. hopefully 16 years is enough time to get used to it.


i hope this wasnt a huge mistake. urghhhhh.

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part of the reason why i thought it was okay was because i was seeing this guy for awhile. he was completely bald by choice, had a shaved head and everything. he told me that he was balding and that if he grew hair ppl could see he was going bald. so he just decided to shave it all off.


since he was so comfortable and accepting of it.......well, he seemed okay with talking about this.


i think i just carried the assumption over to this guy that it would be okay to mention balding and baldness.. btw, he told me he has been balding since he was 20 but he is 36 now. hopefully 16 years is enough time to get used to it.


i hope this wasnt a huge mistake. urghhhhh.


OKay I am confused, you told us originally you patted his hair, but now it is shaved off???? I don't get it.


And if he TOLD you this, and you KNEW he was balding....or bald...why did you ASK him????? I don't get it...

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  • 3 weeks later...
i noticed this guy was balding. it's pretty obvious. i asked him....."hey, are you balding?" and then i asked him "are you worried ur hair will fall out?" and he shrugged it off. i was kind of patting his hair..i mean i wasnt bothered by it.


now i think about it, was that a sensitive topic?


what kind of topics are sensitive to men? and what should i never bring up?


The one topic that you should never bring up is the one that gets raised most often. That men are all brutes, lousy lovers, wife bashers, drunks, losers, and incapable of finding a g spot with a compass and a map.


Makes physical attractiveness seem kinda petty doesn't it?

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What would your reaction be if someone asked you after touching your face "ever consider getting plastic surgery?"


Interesting angle tired. But dont' assume that all women are obsesssive about their appearance.


I have a couple of facial scars from skin cancers and I still remember the woman in the next cubicle of the cancer clinic hollering at the doctor.


"Dammitt doctor. I'm not worried about losing a breast. I'm worried about dying. If you have to take the whole thing then you have to take it.

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