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it's been a long break..... what now????

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hello, thankyou to anyone who will listen to my story. My ex bf and I took a break from our relationship about seven months ago. He said it was a break not a breakup. I am now learning that there is no such thing as a break! A break simply means breaking up. So it took me awhile to figure out that we probably weren't going to be getting back together. The confusing thing is that we still see each and have kept in contact every since the breakup. There is no talk of getting back together but I know we still care for each other alot. I want to tell him exactly how I feel but here is the problem: the other nite I heard him talking to one of his good friends on the phone. They were talking about the other guys ex gf and how he could get back together with her but the guy didn't want to because he likes living alone. My (ex) bf was saying yeah i know what you mean referring to me. so now i'm speechless. and they both refer to thereselves as singles guys. I don't get why he continues to see me if he doesn't want a relationship with me. We see each other about one or two weekends a months because we live far from each other. When I see him he alway tells me that it was nice seeing me and that he had fun. but no talk of reconciliation. I don't know what to do anymore, should i just give up on him?

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it sounds like your ex is trying to be a nice guy and may feel bad about the breakup. why did you two breakup? he sounds confused about what he wants. if you want things to work out with him you will probably be putting more effort into the relationship then he is willing to. again you need to tell us more about the breakup.

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My ex seems to be doing the same thing. We took a "break" for the summer and well that just meant a break up. I fell for it. He's prolly being a nice guy, just like my ex. Maybe lessening the guilt by being friends, who knows? Point is they are not initiating getting back together. And truth he has gotten the taste of the single life, no hassles, independence, freedom, no responsiblities, no one to report to, no guilt. And that right now is much more appealing to my ex, and he's not willing to sacrifice it for a realtionship that ended on badly anyways..

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Hi there,


A "break" is a way of letting you down easy while keeping you in limbo. Not fair at all. I too, don't believe in breaks. Either you are with me or not. If not, then I can move on, if so, we can work on things and see where it goes. That's the way I look at it. Hey, a girl's gotta have her standards, and you should too. It sounds like you not happy with this set up and his gossip with his buddies confirmed your suspicions from the start. Cut him loose, once and for all. Time is so precious and there is not a lot to waste and he took some from you. Tell him you derserve better, the break's over and goodbye. Then treat yourself to a massage, facial, pedicure, something like that. Take care and wishing you all the best.

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