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What's their attraction to me?

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I am 23 years old, female, I have a college degree, and am in graduate school now. I've had a variety of jobs and internships, and whenever I have a male boss/supervisor/person in authority they hit on me and choose me as their favorite. They flirt with me above and beyond others. I've never ever done anything with one of these people, but I am just wondering what it is about me that attracts them to me. With guys my own age I'm just average... hit or miss with getting hit on. I work with other females my age, older than me, younger than me, various attractiveness levels, but it seems I'm always their "chosen" one. Any insights?

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I dont know exactly if it has anything to do with your degrees or anything. It could just be your personality and looks and the way you respond to their flirting.


Because, I'm one of those guys in a way at a part-time job, and I know a girl that's like you at my workplace. She's not highly attractive, even has a b/f, yet she loves to flirt and have a good time. It's all meaningless, so don't think she's about to cheat on her b/f, because even I've met him. But anyways, she's the one that always gets picked on, there's like 5-6 of us guys that are always messing with her and giving her a hard time...but we're all good friends too....she even invites us and other co-workers out to drink or eat after work sometimes, like tonite hehe, but I had to pass cause I'm goin out with someone else. There were other girls there too working at times, but some of us just don't flirt with them. Like said, I guess it just depends on how you're responding to it, either way, unless it's terribly bothering you....I would consider quite flattering.

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embilee -- I'm surprised you have to ask. Since we don't know you and you don't say whether you're very attractive or unattractive in appearance, we really can't say. Obviously there is something people like about you. Do you find that so unusual? That is my worry, if you do. Because if you do you could also be a target because guys will ALWAYS hit on girls, no matter how old the guys get, and may find you easy prey. If that's not the situation then like Kookoo says, cherish it.


I am 46, female, and am probably similar to you. I have lots of young male friends and male friends much older than me. I have always been well-liked by bosses and this has brought on jealousy by my co-workers. They all think we have something going on when we don't...or not really.... I also seem to attract a lot of guys my age who have girlfriends and wives and, frankly, it ticks me off at times that I do. I am hugely bored by the whole thing, because I don't even have a boyfriend. I could ask the same as you, why?!, but, having gotten to this age, I already know the answer, and rather sadly, know it's not because I'm a hot looker. LOL. It's because people of any age like people who respond with vivaciousness, energy, optimism, cheer. I keep things simple. I keep them very forward-looking. It's just the natural way of things. Anyone who brings a bit of sunshine into someone's day is going to be popular. And that sunshine can also be a bit of warmth, a caring word, anything really. Most people are starved for such things, and even more so the older they get. They are in relationships that have gotten to be old-hat, stale, routine, comfortable but worn and weary feeling.


My biggest word of advice to you is to WATCH OUT FOR YOU!! People in other relationships or people who are not really interested in YOU as a person, but merely want to be around you, are looking for fuel, looking for someone to pep them up, put a spark back in their lives, but more often than not, they are not willing or able to give you anything in return. Remember that! You can revel in your power but know your fuel must come from elsewhere and know that when the chips are down, you will be left standing alone, so have someone or something in your life that you can COUNT ON, truly count on, whether that is a person or a thing, a hobby, a passion, or love of your self. But also don't get bitter about your being used by people, by having them want to have a bit of you. You are like that because you CAN be like that, and most likely, like all "gifts," you HAVE TO be like that.

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Many older men / men in power seem to have an in-built radar to find gentle and sensitive women who shine brightly, and so these women draw many unsuitable people to them.

It's a shame that most younger men haven't yet realised to see women are more than just a pretty face, and they have beautiful tender souls with romance and love inside, waiting to be requited, and so they don't really know how to please these women.

From my experience listening and watching, many older men have experience in the 'eternal lines' and 'words' that capture a romantic lady's heart, and so they use them relentlessly until they capture the lady in their spider's web of unspeakableness.

But most of these men are unsavoury and also just want a quick satisfaction of their carnal impetuses, but they are more likely to get that if they decietfully 'promise' to marry/love forever/treat tenderly the lady.

These words usually come from experience, and so it is by default/nature the older a man is the more words he will be able to use to cheat them, and the more experience he has in using the human innate ability to see beyond someone's surface to their beauteous inside...


And so the most gentle and beautiful of women end up in abusive relationships, and those that truly care about them suffer too...

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