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How should I view my situation???...please help....

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So about a two months ago I started seeing this gal from work....long story short, our first month was awesome. Had TONS of stuff in common, connected on so many levels (physically, mentally, sexually), have pretty much the same work schedule (meaning we both work two jobs). Blah blah blah.....in the end.....just insanely awesome.


So with me having kids and the way that I broke it off with my ex, a bit of baby's mama drama came to a head resulting in her taking a step back from the situation and actuall both making us realize we moved a bit quick in some fashions. She decided it would be best it we put things on halt so to speak and have me take care of my *edit* that I needed to take care of in my life....and then we would once again....pick things back up. Now I know things won't be exactly the same, but she still tells me everything she ever wrote in her e-mails...she still means....just that we need some time to sort things out.


BUT......the past month since that has happened.....outside of work.....nothing, zip, zero, zilch. No phone calls, e-mails....nada. Again....whilst at work things are cool....friendly so to speak, but I don't see what I used to with her. That look in her eyes when she saw me.....the fun goofing around we used to do. I mean.....when I can get her away by herself for a bit....I can still see sparks, but nothing like I used to. Should I worry.....should I not deserve to atleast know that she still cares and has hopes for an "us" so to speak?


She is a very strong willed person who says what's on her mind, seemingly knows what she wants, and is not one to play games.....so those facts lead me to believe I have nothing to worry about. But....actions speak oouder than words and I......just don't see it....


Here are some of the things she wrote me thru various e-mails...just to give an idea of how much raw feelings were there.


"You know what?!?!? it was weird not having you around very much today, i've just gotten so used to seeing you that it was really weird today"


"By the way...you looked so freakin hot last night...and i dont care that you were dirty. you were cleaner then what i was gonna do to you!!!"


..".i cant tell you enough how much i want to be with you."..


hahahaha...god you are hot...i cant stop freakin thinkin about you...and you think i drive you crazy.....huh......im going nuts over here


"hey and soon enough i will the be the norm too....i want you to be happy...it makes me feel good that i make you this happy....i can see just the differnce in two weeks from how unhappy you were to now....i cant wait till it is all said and done....im just so glad you are happy with me…"


"you are so cute..i have never had a guy that is so into "me" it is an awesome feeling!"


"this is so great i am so happy...hehehe..".


"Hey hotty!!! whats' up!!! i have to say about tonight is oh my freakin god! hahaha...you are so *edit* awesome...im keeping you, she doesn't have a choice im stealin you! hehehe..well anyways...i just want you to know how much you mean to me..i am so into you.....it is so freakin crazy...i just wanna say thank you....you are......omg!!!! hahahaha...im cummin just thinkin about it...and i know this is only the beginning"


"hey baby! im glad you have had a good time so far...and yes, we have only just begun.".


"i do know how happy you are i can see it all over your face and im sure so can everyone else"



What do I do....I tried NC...but I really don't think it applies to me...



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