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im 17 an pregnant how do i tell my parents


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ok well long story im a going out with a guy who is 15 turning 16 next month an i am 17 turning 18 next march .. anyway well i have fallen pregnant an mum an dad have been givin me this big lecture for the past month or so sayin my bf is to young for me an that he is a bogan an that im gonna end up pregnant an now i am ... an i just really dont wanna tell them cause i no i am going to get a lecture ur ruining ur life ur way to young hes way to young an all that an i really dont need it or wanna hear it ... is there really an easy way of telling them ?? an i really wont be able to handle the i told so s**t.. my mum wanted me to break up with him .... but i didnt cause i really do love him .... an yea .. someone plz give me sum advice


lv bek

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deff keepin it ....my bf works fulltime .. ears 500 an week plus i work at the moment an have a fair bit of money saved soo that will also help an yea all that stuff will be all good an im not worried ... just the whole breakin the news to the parentals .. an yea my bf is more excited then me about it he cant wait .. plus he knows what its like to grow up with outta dad soo he said he aint going anywhere

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Well you are both young so don't rule anything out.

Parenthood isn't just about money and maturity.


Sit your parents down and explain that you are pregnant.

They are your parents and they will love you unconditionally, even if it means that they have to say "told you so" before coming to terms with the severity of the situation.


Be understanding of why they may be upset. You are young and they did their best to raise you well.


Have you got a place to stay?

Do you live with your parents?

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I think you just need to sit down with your parents and tell them the truth. You know they are not going to be happy about it, but there is a baby coming and it's very important that you have their support, and that you get prenatal care immediately and throughout your pregnancy. Be prepared for a lecture, because you were warned and it happened anyway when it was preventable, but tell them that although you know they are upset, that you need their support and would really appreciate it.


I feel for you and your bf, both so young to be parents, esp. your bf whom I assume has not yet finished high school, hopefully he will be able to, and if you have your parents' support, perhaps you can still go to college and get a good education for yourself.


Let us know how it goes.

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Where do you live?


If you aren't planning on keeping and are going to get an abortion anyway...please don't make this the deciding factor but if your going to get an abortion anyway if you are in Canada or parts of Europe you can get an abortion anyway right nto without telling your parents. Especially Canada go to the health unit and they can give an abortion for free completely and confidential.

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Where do you live?


If you aren't planning on keeping and are going to get an abortion anyway...please don't make this the deciding factor but if your going to get an abortion anyway if you are in Canada or parts of Europe you can get an abortion anyway right nto without telling your parents. Especially Canada go to the health unit and they can give an abortion for free completely and confidential.


The poster said she was definitely keeping the baby.

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since you are keeping the baby, tell them ASAP, they have the right to know. But do not let them badger you, if they start to try to make you feel awufl about it just walk away. This is the point where you are grwoing up very very quieckly, being a young girl is going right out the window in about 7 - 8 months... So you need to accept this and start by being an adult with your parents. Taking responsibility for your actions, or get an abortion and accept the fact hat you are not ready. If you are scared of your parents badgering, tthen you are not ready. You need to be able to stand up to people, if you plan on raising and standing up for your kids.


Good luck

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