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Answer a.s.a.p please. Simple Q.

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I'm not sure when exactly but there are times in your cycle that are easier for you to get pregnant. It's usually a certain amount of days before and after your period.


I wouldn't worry too much if you're on birth control.


You starting your period shows that you are not pregnant...yet.


Did he ejaculate inside of you the day before you started your period? Sorry to ask but this information will make it easier to answer your question.

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Yes, you absolutely can get pregnant having sex during your period.


The pill is only 99% or so effective and that's with completely rigid and consistant use, there is always a chance for pregnancy.


It's always better to use a condom as well, to reduce the risk even more, and it's also a little easier clean up afterwards, if you know what I mean.

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ok, grow up! people have sex when they have their peried all the time! I don't like it and I wouldn't do it but some people would, you do not have to say nasty all you have to say is I wouldn't do it I don like it.


yeah you can get pregnant on your Peried, even on BC......

also I was watching on of this showes and it said that many people think it would turn into a mess but actully after a while you stop bleedign while havign sex. now, I don't know I never had next in the middle of mine.

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who has sex with a condom in a relationship? does that happen often?


Hopefully everyone who has not been tested for every STD under the sun, and who does not want the possibility of getting pregnant or getting their partner pregnant.


There are alot of STDs that can be contracted from oral sex, cold sore viruses, blood transfusions and unprotected sex. Many have no symptoms and are causing damage and you don't even know you have them.


It's ALWAYS a good idea to use condoms until and unless you BOTH get tested for STDS, and this means ones like Chlamydia, Herpes, Gonorrhea, AIDS/HIV, HPV, Syphilis, Crabs, Scabies, Hepatitis, PID, Chancroid, MCV, NGU and more.


See what I mean? Some of these I'll bet you haven't even heard of!


And that's all aside from not wanted the chance of getting pregnant.

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Yes, there is a tremendous incidence of it, and it's a "silent" virus, so although it can do damage, cause infertility and is a precursor for cervical cancer/dysplasia in women, many people are unaware of it, and may have it and not know!


That's why it's important to protect yourself and the person you are in a relationship with until and unless you are monogamous, both tested and know that you are safe.

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I heard that something like 70% of active couples have HPV and aren't even aware of it. I know at my college they were saying that of the 40,000 students or so at the time, about 25,000 had HPV.


Yup, pretty scary isn't it? 90% of women will have it at some point in their lives (at least one of the strains).


And men CANNOT be tested for it - the only way to know is if they had genital warts but even those can be dormant. And other strains you just don't know until a woman finds out she may have it.


HPV can cause warts, cervical cancer, penile cancer, etc.




Unless you have both been tested for everything you can be, discussed and agreed on what to do if you did get pregnant (NO BIRTH CONTROL IS 100%! The pill for example with "realistic use" is 95% effective...that means 5% NOT effective!). If you can't agree (one says abortion, one says keep child...I advise you double up (condom and pill) or not have sex at all just to be even safer), then you should be using condoms.


STI's are not just an inconvenience...some of them are also deadly, and incurable, and something that you can transfer back and forth, and to new partners. If you care about your partner, why threaten their health?

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I think I've used a condom 6 times in my relationship. The first 3 times they broke because they were too small and the last 3 times they didn't break because I finally got one that was actually big enough, but I couldn't feel a damn thing. I can't stand condoms and I don't understand how guys can actually orgasm with them...

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The likely hood that you can get pregnant during your period is slim. However, remember everyone's system is different. Your biology books will tell you that women ovulate on average day 10-12 after the first day of her period. OPERATIVE WORD... ON AVERAGE. I have a friend who ovulated on the first day of her period..and had 3 kids that way. Go figure.


Yes.. use Condoms to make sure neither of you carry any STD's.


And NO.. its not nasty. Its just personal preference. There's really no reason not to have sex during this time. Sometimes it helps with the cramping. Seriously. Try doing it in the shower.. may not be quite as "messy"... AGAIN.. its personal preferance as to what you want to do in the privacy of your bedroom. If you are ok with it.. and he's ok with it.. whose to judge whats Nasty??? right.


The answer to your question. YES.. you can get pregant. Chances are slim. And slimmer yet.. since you are 99% protected on the pill.

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