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I realized something important

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Although you all advised me to the contrary, I saw the decade older guy who used to use me for sex. And I realized that I dont' have the same feelings for him any longer. I know I shouldn't have seen him, after all the broken dates, emotional abuse and how he's treated me.


We didn't have sex. We watched a movie and just snuggled up ont he couch. he tried to touch my breasts a couple of times. I stopped him at first, but we wound up fooling around. He didn't try to make me have sex with him or suggest oral.


I am really talkative and can talk to anybody and everybody. But it felt so awkward with him. He is not good at making conversation. He never has anything interesting to say and doesn't ask questions. All my friends- male and female- always have a blast with me and think I'm a lot of fun to hang out with. but I didn't feel like I had much fun at all with him. I can never have a good conversation with him. He doesn't make me laugh or smile or feel excited or warm or happy inside.


I always thought it was just me and that he was charming and fun with all the other girls, but I think its just his dull personality. I spent so much time analyzing what was wrong with me and I finally just think he doesn't have what it takes to give me what I deserve. I'm finally starting to realize that there are so many other men out there who can make me so much happier- who will make me laugh. He doesn't have the capacity to make me happy. I shouldn't have to prove how fun and sweet and worth it I am. Even if he didn't behave appalingly toward me, I still don't think I would want him.


I dont' want "what could have been" anymore. I just know that so many other men are capable of making me happier than he ever could. It feels so good to let go of something I've been obsessed with for so long. I finally feel free.

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OMG *Stands up and applauds* =D> That's the best news I have heard all day!!!!



That's the spirit and remember that you deserve better!!! You will find the one for you someday. Take your time away from dating for a while and get reacquainted with yourself!!!


You have made my day Sweetheart230!!!



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You have no idea how HAPPY reading this post from you made me!


I opened it and read the first sentence with a worry it was another post where you wondered what was wrong with you - and I was so pleasantly surprised to see that you have realized you DO DESERVE BETTER!




I really am jumping for joy for you!


Happy moving on, you will meet someone soooo much more wonderful than this schmuck ever was or could be!

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That guy sounds like an A** - all the way. What decent person would be so shallow and uncaring to want a person only for personal physical satisfaction? I hate guys like that. There are so many men that in spite of pressing through relationship problems and persoanl struggles (we all have our demons) they still have genuine compassionate concern for others. Men knowing how to give respect and honoring a person for who they are not what they are on the outside.


Hope the best for your future and wish peace for you as well.....

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