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hello everybody,

this is my 3rd sharing about my life anyways its a big help that u can express

ur heartbreak to everyone its a good felings somehow my living bf is still with me after all the tragic happened to me but i dont know why we still stick on each other i know that i love him more than my life since ive almost risk my life coz i feel like i cant breath without him so no matter what happened even

i almost give up and try to stop loving him and break up for good even if i know how painfull it is as hell. Now i think he is doing good 1st he promise not to drink anymore but he is failed about it but thats fine as long he can control his emotion and he promise also not sent some email to his very beloved x gf that i just know recently that i am just a 2nd thought while he calling me wife and planning to get marry but its was just a day dream coz he wil choice his x gf than me so i know it from my deepest heart that i am nothing but just a second thought and teling me that i am not his level wil in fearness yeah we cant get along about educational stages coz i am not wel educated so i cant touch the goal that i can be his idea girl coz all i know that for him the perfect mate for him is his x gf who is married but they have a very strong felings as what i observe and now we try to make it freash as what he wants and maybe try but before that he needs to choke me and kill me coz i treathen him to put in jail coz he smak my leg and after that it was mess so we try to make it out for the last time.


now he is murmuring about how awful and garbage my family back ground which it is true and theres nothing i can do that coz i have also my own family and i cant save them anyway he said he so sad and lonely coz he wants to have a friend and he is blaming me coz he lose his x gf there

communication at 1st its fine by me since 5 months til i discover that she is not only a friend but a long distance lover and try her very best to steal him from me and my bf is wishing for her day dream that one day they can be together if she is going to devorce her husband and he adore that women like a holy sacred women of all. i am not a robbot i have heart and she didnt even respect that my bf is already had his own family and why she is bothering us and treat my relation and life which in my whole even if i am not wel educated but i know how to respect and move on to a new life which will given me by God. i sent some email to her that not to bother us anymore i really hate to do it but its too much to realize for a smart i think thats not a behaivor of intelengent i mean i dont know how to critizise or say bad things coz i dont want to hurt anyones felings id rather be hurt than hurting some else felings.

u think he can do it that he wont send some email to her which i know he is dying without her and i dont want to take his happiness he siad he is lonely and want to someone to talk too

and u think he doesnt love that women anymore

but i trust his word but i am just afraid if he cant do it

pls pls pls advice me

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My dear, you and your boyfriend are in love. You both know that.


If there are things about him that are not perfect, what is your first feeling? Do you want to leave him because of that? I doubt it. If you love him, you will make those feelings small, and try to see what about him you respect.


And if there are things about you that he doesn't like, what will he do? Please, dear love, try to accept his love. He is trying to love you. Just accept it. Just let it in. He wants to love you.


You have so much good inside you. Focus on that. Focus on what you are good at - that is why he loves you. Don't pester him about anything. Love and be loved, for what both of you are. No one is perfect.

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Devoted, in your last post you stated that he is physically and mentally abusing you and that he is still talking to his ex girffriend:




Your response to yourself (below) concerns me very much:





This is the WORST thing you can do. This relationship is very unhealthy for you. I think you know that. It's ok to accept common imperfections if you love someone- but not imperfections that hurt you physically and emotionally. That's not imperfection, that's abuse. There's a big difference. That's also not love. You deserve to be with someone who does not abuse you and who truly loves you.




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I'm not really sure what is up with your reply to yourself either, but it's very wrong to allow someone to treat you like he is and you can and should get away from him as soon as possible.


This is NOT a healthy or normal relationship and when someone threatens to choke you and hits you and tells you he wishes his ex were back with him instead of you, sweetheart, THAT IS NOT LOVE.


That is abuse.


I pray for you that you will recognize this and for your own safety and integrity you will get out.

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