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advice needed fatal combination of anti depressants

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Trying to kill yourself and running away from your problem isn't going to help you, nor will it assist anyone else.


Have you considered how your family would feel if you try to commit suicide? It's the easy way out for you, but it makes it even more difficult for them.


Before attempting something like this, have you sought help from your doctor or tried talking to someone about your problems?


This is what our forum is for - helping people get over their problems, not helping them to kill themselves. Why not share what you are having trouble with?

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Yes people who wants to kill themselves will really do it. But at the same time i dont want to screw it up that's why i am asking advice to ensure that i dont screw up and end up in a wheelchair or something then i cant even kill myself even if i want to i am not asking for pity or anything just technical advice

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Yes people who wants to kill themselves will really do it. But at the same time i dont want to screw it up that's why i am asking advice to ensure that i dont screw up and end up in a wheelchair or something then i cant even kill myself even if i want to i am not asking for pity or anything just technical advice

Does enotalone seem like the place to come when you want help with how to commit suicide? Somehow I had a different perception of this community. How did you reach the conclusion that this is the place to get that kind of help?

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Unfortunately it leaves a real physical and emotional mess behind for anyone who ever cared about you, as well as innocent people who never met you. The people who have to pick up the body don't need that image in their head as they drive home after work.


As far as I know, no forum members can give you real first-hand experience of how to kill yourself, but they sure seem to be useful at helping you live. Why not give that a try?

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Since no one carest about me, my suidicide will not affect anyone. Everyone treats me like crap and they are not going to care. My family members probably deserves it given the abuse that they have inflicted on me. You cannot assume that they are people out there who care for me because there are none i dont think about this option for no reason. no one enjoys pursuing this inevitable option

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You are absolutely right dako. no one makes it through life without help. that's why i am thinking about the inevitable as i dont think anyone has any intention of helping me or treating me with dignity(i am referrring to people in my physical life). We are emotional humans not robots at the end of the day and most people including me cannot sustain the type of life that i am leading now. I have been treated as if i am a nothing for far too long despite the fact that my achievements is not louzy by any standards. I dont think i can hang on for much longer unless somoeone caring appears in my physical life soon

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How about telling us how you got into this position?

Sure life sucks so you want to die and nobody cares, but what brought you to this point?


Why not give us a clue what hurts enough to make the big exit so attractive?


After having avoided The End for 50 years, I'm still wondering how to keep going. You know....what pitfalls to avoid. Maybe you could give me a clue what you're dealing with here.


We all want to be treated with dignity, but corpses don't look that dignified to me.

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Devastation, as was mentioned earlier, coming up with the correct dosage depends on a lot of factors - your weight, how much and how recently you've eaten... The problem is that you won't know unless you try, which of course presents the original problem - what if you try and fail?


I have considered suicide by nearly every means possible (note, I said considered, NOT attempted!), but at the end of the day, I've had the same issue you have - what if I screw it up? Now, most people will tell you thatis the WRONG reason NOT to kill yourself... Well, for me, it has kept my rear around for 36+ years. No, it ain't perfect, but it's been enough to stop me. Maybe it will be enough to stop you.....


I am not one of these people who will say things like "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" - Okay, I dont even know how that relates to anyone considering suicide... I also know that people mean well when they say things like "Think of your family!" or "You are being selfish!" Okay, if I am considering suicide, I dont really give a flip about anyone else, and yeah, that's pretty much being selfish by definition... Okay, so why bother sticking around?


So far, one reason I can come up with is that eventually life is going to pay back all those people who drove me to the point of suicide in the first place, and if I can be around to watch it happen, then all the better... Nope, not a healthy attitude, I know... There is also a part of me that figures things have got to get better than this, so I just as well watch some ball and see what happens....


Yeah, there's a huge part of me that likes to get lost in all kinds of stupid, classically romantic thoughts, and that has a tendency to curb the 'urge.' But, that is fantasy, so it doesn't hang around too long....


I am not going to tell you what to do.... You're going to do that for yourself... There are people here that will care about you, if you give them a chance. I know, they are not physically right there with you, and I know that being alone with only online 'buddies' to talk to sucks sometimes.... But, we're still here for you as best as we can be....


My life was saved, literally, when a friend of mine came online while I was shutting down my computer - for good.... She saved my life. She couldnt be with me in person, she lived too far away. But she was someone I could reach out to, even though I didnt feel like it... In a way, really, she reached out to me and I just answered her questions..... But, had she not come online when she did, I would not be typing this to you right now....


Someone, many of us, will care, Dev.....

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If you sought help and started feeling better, would you help someone else who felt as bad as you? You'd certainly understand the despair.


Many people here are in that situation. They know how bad it feels and also know to deal with it.

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I completely agree. the ramifications of failure is not worth it. The authorities might even make me an involuntary patient and remove all my rights. Who wants to spent a few months in Hospital without any freedon of movement. I rather die than do that. You are absolutely right, gettingoverit, there is no perfect subsitutes for physical friends. Support of professionals sound very superficial to me it's like speaking to a robot that conforms strictly to their code of ethics. Life is always unfair. People who screwed up other people's lives always get away with it. Look at how many assassination attempts Hitler survived and what kind of a person he was. That's why i believe that those people will never get punished or else there wouldnt be so many conflicts in the world. The current structure in this world is not designed to reward fairness unfortunately.

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Support of professionals sound very superficial to me it's like speaking to a robot that conforms strictly to their code of ethics.

Not true. I suffer with depression and suicidal feelings. And my therapist is definitely not a robot. She's a warm and caring person. She is sympathetic and empathetic and very well-trained and good at her job. She's not superficial at all. She cares deeply for me and lets me know it. And she admires and respects and cherishes me. She is like my life coach, helping me reframe my perception of things. And she wants me well and whole because she wants only the best for me. And the code of ethics are guidelines, but not some strict and rigid things that keep her at a distance. The code of ethics exist to help her know how to take very good care of me, and how to take good care of our relationship.


Admittedly not all therapists are wonderful. And if you encounter one that is robotic, fire him/her, and seek a better one. You deserve the best, and they are out there.

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I've been to many psychologists and taken many different medications and nothing changed. I cant afford to fire psychologists as i am a poor student who cannot afford anything other than public psychologists. I've exhasuted all options from a psychology point of view. I am a psychology student and i am pretty familiar with all the options and i've tried all of them. I wouldnt come to this stage without exhausting all my available options. Well as of now i wouldnt give myself a lot of time to live as it's studpid given that i am caught in this never ending vicious cycle.

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I've been to many psychologists and taken many different medications and nothing changed. I cant afford to fire psychologists as i am a poor student who cannot afford anything other than public psychologists. I've exhasuted all options from a psychology point of view. I am a psychology student and i am pretty familiar with all the options and i've tried all of them. I wouldnt come to this stage without exhausting all my available options. Well as of now i wouldnt give myself a lot of time to live as it's studpid given that i am caught in this never ending vicious cycle.

Devastation, I'm really sorry things have been so difficult for you. And in several ways, you and I are similar. I'm poor too, being treated in the shabby VA system with very few options, gone around and around with this depression, meds, doctors, therapists. Some are good, some not. Right now I have a great therapist, and she is so warm and caring and personable... sooo far from being a "robot," that I just had to respond.


Also, I know how we exhaust ourselves trying everything, get discouraged. But I also know how we tend to look at things negatively and throw up our hands. And we don't always realize our options because our perception of things can get skewed. There may still be other possibilities even with your limited resources. Is every therapist that is available to you right now a robot? Is there no medical professional in your circle who cares and feels?


And really, you're posting here because you haven't yet given up... you're exercising yet another option. You don't really want to give up on yourself just yet, and part of you knows that. And see, there are some of us who also care, here with you, caring about you, because we've also often felt/feel the same as you, and know the pain of suffering this alone. I'm not sure how much encouragement we can realistically offer you, but we do genuinely care enough to try. And I guess "cyber-care" is all we can offer, but maybe it's better than nothing at all?

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Thanks for your reply Miss M. Part of me has given up. It's just that i havent figure out the best method to end everything. My psychologist is ok but i dont think it's realistic to expect her to do magic as i think i am beyond help in the eyes of them. A cyber cafe is better than nothing but there is no subsitute for the real thing. I am not capable of managing my own life probably because i started handling a lot of responsibities when i was at a very young age. I really have no one that i can turn to when i have problems and i think i have done very well in handling my predicaments until a few months ago when everything fell apart. I hope what i said makes sense to you.

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As I have said to you once before, if you look to someone else for reassurance and comfort, sometimes it just doesn't work.. sometimes people don't like reaching out to people, they just like to take without giving anything back... this is what you need to realise. I'm not saying never look to anyone ever again, but until you accept yourself for who you are, an individual and a respectable member of society, only then can you move on and reach out to others...

When I was feeling depressed I found that helping out others (especially on this forum) made me realise that people have such bigger problems than me.. and this also helped me through my traumas..


You need to look out for yourself. Work on making yourself happy.. who cares about anyone else right now - work on becoming happy..


Sometimes, you can't just expect good things to come to you - you need to actively look for things to make you happy... it might sound laughable, but NOONE gets things handed to them on a silver platter... people need to work for the things they have in life..

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Thanks for your reply Miss M. Part of me has given up. It's just that i havent figure out the best method to end everything.
Ah, but it's also obvious to me that part of you has NOT given up. I do take your depression seriously, but I mean, c'mon... did you really expect someone on this forum (of all places) to actually give you the sure-fire concoction for suicide? I think you're joshing me with that one. I don't know much about you, but I do know you're smart enough to know that recipes for suicide potions wouldn't be offered at a place like this.


My psychologist is ok but i dont think it's realistic to expect her to do magic as i think i am beyond help in the eyes of them.
Beyond help? Is that what your psychologist actually said, or are you interpreting for her? Just curious.


A cyber cafe is better than nothing but there is no subsitute for the real thing.
Agreed. I feel the same way... nothing like the real thing. But yet, here we are with the next best thing to the real thing... we strangers congregating here, because we can relate (somewhat), because we care enough to not want to leave you alone. So I guess you'll just have to make do with us "substitutes," eh?


I am not capable of managing my own life probably because i started handling a lot of responsibities when i was at a very young age.
Does that mean you started so early that you're just plum wore out? People who handled a lot of responsibilities when young usually have very remarkable coping skills. We just tend to feel an overwhelming and unrealistic sense of responsibility because we took on too much too soon. And what do you mean you aren't capable of managing your life? You feel up to explaining that one?


I really have no one that i can turn to when i have problems and i think i have done very well in handling my predicaments until a few months ago when everything fell apart. I hope what i said makes sense to you.
I don't know your history, (haven't read your other posts), but it seems you're saying you don't have supportive family or friends to lean on. My family is here but they're toxic, dysfunctional people who just make things much worse, so I stay far away from them. They aren't anybody I can go to for help. And I don't have friends either, but honestly, I know I can remedy that part about the friends whenever I feel able. I don't feel up to the task just yet, so I'm very isolated, but I know I'm the only one holding myself back in that regard. I'm realistic about the fact that that's an area where I can improve whenever I feel up to giving it some effort. Do you think you're also holding yourself apart from people who might be helpful to you?


And what was it that fell apart a few months ago? Do you think it would be helpful for you to discuss that here? Or in PM?


And if I'm asking too many nosey/annoying questions, you can just ignore me... or tell me to go away... or something... It won't hurt my feelings.

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Devastation, I am glad to see you're still here, though I know what you mean about being here only because you haven't come accross a 100% effective method yet.... The kicker is that I don't think anything is 100% when it comes to something like this... I mean, you hear all the time of people who screw up a shot to the head, who survive falls out of planes, who didn't quite get the lethal combination of drugs....


I know this isn't going to change anything, but I just wanted to throw this out here anyway.... The other day, I was checking into options for ending it all... Had a couple scenarios (including one that would only fail if someone happened along too soon, which would be just my luck of course) and was pretty well set on where to go and what to do... I have a relative by marriage who killed himself about 6 weeks ago or so. I thought about him and I figured people pretty well have their lives together by now, so really, if I were to go, everyone would just go on...


Turns out, his parents aren't doing well at all. His father went to the Gulf coast to help out with the disasters there as a way to escape and not think about his son. His mother is at her wits end, barely holding on to her job because of how many days she just can't get out of bed.... I never would have guessed had I not heard all of this from another relative....


My point is, that if it makes any difference to you (and it may not, only you know the answer to that one), know that you leaving under your own demise will absolutely rips at least one other person to shreds. Even though that person may not seem like they would be the one affected, it will totally devastate someone if you take your own life.... That is not a guilt-ploy. Just something to think about, that's all... I have said on many posts here that it makes no sense to those of us 'on the brink' to be told "Someone will be crushed if you kill yourself." And, I still believe that, but by the same token, if that makes you (or anyone) stop even for a second, then it's worth my telling bits of my own story....

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