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Would this be a good idea? Please reply

Sam _

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Me and Yuki have been best friends for 5 years and now I am in love with her. Me and Yuki are in a poetry club together and I want to read one of my love poems about her.


Would it be a good idea to read one of them infront of her?


What are some things I can do to get her to wonder if the poem is about her?


If she asks if it is about her, how should I tell her? Or should I just say "maybe" or something?


(She already knows I like her, she doesn't know I am in love with her)


All replies are appreciated.

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If she already knows that its about her then she will have a good idea that her poem is about you. I think you need to know what you expect by reading this love poem in front of her. If she doesnt seem to be making any response to you liking her now then how will this change after you read the poem? If you expect the poem to change her behavior then you will probably be mistaken. If you feel that you need to say the poem then say it just have realistic expectations of the end result.

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