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Hello to all of you wonderful people.


Just asking for a little advice once again............................



An invitation to a birthday party on November 4th has arrived..............................my ex woman friend will most assuredly be attending................i am partially over her........but still think about her......um....well......all the time..........just curious about a bit of strategy no matter how misleading, to make her notice how I am behaving and also limit how much attention i pay to her.......she is beautiful, and i imagine it will be hard not to look a bit.........but i can't let her catch me. Anywho, we haven't seen each other since the terrible day, and i would like her to think about me after this evening.........and tips, pointers, or overall strategy would be appreciated greatly.



.......i aslo can't bring a chick, we agreed that i would not, and she would not bring a date to mutual friend gatherings.



yall is the best.

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thanx much, not trying to make her notice me, and just enjoying the people who are there is my current plan, however, the fact that i am already thinking about this can't be good....................so i would like to go in with a strategy, of less is more............not quite sure how.

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It's obvious she still has feelings for you, or at least respects you enough for you guys to mutually agree to that deal. I say talk to her and say hi, but also talk to other women. Don't intentionally flirt with women to make her feel bad or jealous, but be sure to enjoy yourself at this party. It's all about how she feels about you, or rather how you make her feel. All strong relationships have friendship, respect, and passion. Seems like you already have friendship and respect. What does it take to create passion with her? Find that out, and you can have her again.

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What more can anyone say but just go and be yourself and don't focus on her too much while you are there. You try and act anything out and it will be very obvious believe me, no matter how clever you might think you are being.


How long have you guys been broken up for?

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4 months, haven't talked in 2 months, it has gotten much better, with a good deal of help from everyone here, but i am a bit worried about this. And i don't want to act, i just want to make an impact, and i am quite curious if little contact, and or attention to her during the deal, would be the way to go.

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