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why is he taking so long to ask me!?

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hey, ive been seeing this guy, younger than me, for about 2 months, hes kinda shy but holds my hand when w go out and stuff, weve never kissed cuz he wants to "respect me" bla bla..whatever, i think its a nice lil detail, but hes taking SOOOO long to ask me to be be his gf...WHY IS THAT!? and everyone tells him to ask me out..but he just doesnt do it, and he says he likes me and he says he IS going to ask me, but i mean...ive been waiting and waiting...he just says hes slow at these kind of things...and i like him soo much...and i told him id wait for when he was ready but hes taking soo long...its not like hes asking to marry me! (also consider im gonna be his first real gf) ..what do i do?

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If you are still seeing him a lot, and exclusively, what difference does it make if you are "his girlfriend". When you get older, there is no "Will you be my girlfriend?" There is just a point in time where you start to refer to someone as your boyfriend/girlfriend. Don't force it..

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Wait, didn't you say you guys hold hands when you go out? Doesn't that mean you've already gone out? And about the asking you to be his gf. I dunno about your case, but I thought that once you've gone out with someone plenty of times and you spend a lot of time with her, it's out of the question that she's your gf. So, is it essential to ask? I mean, I've never done that (I'm such a loser blah blah), but it's just the way I thought things were... Well, if he hasn't asked you out yet, or you just want an 100% sure answer whether he considers you his gf or not, just do like darkblue said: ask him. Best of luck.

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If it were me, I'd have asked him by now, but that's just me. (I hate being in 'limbo.') He sounds really shy and cautious. Maybe he's afraid that if he makes your relationship "official" that he'll screw things up and lose the best thing that's ever happened to him. This is why he hasn't been able to muster up the courage to do more than hold your hand. If you want to move things forward, I'd tell him how you really feel. I'd tell him that you like him a lot (telling him all the reasons he makes your heart skip a beat would definitely help) and that it hurts your feelings that he hasn't asked you to be his gf yet. Hold his hand while you do this, look into his eyes, and then wait him out... Such hard won bravery deserves a hug and a kiss on the cheek don't ya think?

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well the thing is...where i come from, u have to make it official, and i mean he DOES NOT consider me his gf at all, i mean he knows were purely "friends waiting to become something" everyone does...but i just dont understand what hes waiting for? we have eveything we need to move on...i dunno. and i dont want to ask him, cuz a week ago his friend told me he was going to ask me, so ive just been waiting hoping that tomorrow will be the day that he asks me, and i would ask him, but i dont want to ruin his plan...so im just waiting...

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