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How Many Times Do You Think About Suicide? [Poll]

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I can think back to one time when I was 16- a condom broke, I was late, and I thought I might be pregnant. For a brief moment I really wanted to die.


I never acted on it- but I remember thinking I wished so badly I could go just to bed and not wake up the next morning because I defnintly didn't want a child and didn't want to have to tell anyone either.


Directly after the scare was over that I went on the pill to avoid any chance of future scares.




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When i was about 16 i thought about it a lot, sorta anyway. It was really hard for me to accept that the world was so cold. I felt really alone once i learned that there would be some teachers who dont care about you. Some people dont like you, and some people wish that bad things will happen to you. It made me angry. But eventually I learned to accept the world for what it was and havent thought about it since really. I think once you accept that life is what it is you dont really want to escape anymore. Accepting that is hard though, and some people never do it.

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I thought of it fairly often when I was in my teens when I was depressed, anorexic, down on myself. Never did though, kind of always knew there was better ahead, and loved my family too much for that kind of thing.


I thought of it again when I was 22 when my late boyfriend died suddenly after 5 years together, I just could not imagine a whole life without him. Not just not with me, but just not there at all. Shook my world apart.


Since then though, I realized how precious life really is...when so many can't decide when it ends, why would I want to? And I have been rewarded with a beautiful life - sure its hard sometimes, I still have bad times, but there are amazing people in my life, I am doing well and proud of who I am.


I knew a few people who killed themselves while young, and you know, I just feel sad that they wasted their lives that way...sad they missed out on all that could of lay ahead, that I found DID lay ahead for me.

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had these thoughts when i was a teen living with my parents.. they drove me nuts and i just didnt want to be there.. but i did realise i want to live and experience life and be happy....

had these thoughts when i had serious problems with my bf...

its not that i was ready to do that... but yes these thoughts do come to our minds

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I think its a normal stage in life to be thinking about suicide. If I may say everyone goes through this staged, but there are levels of severe


some people might be thinkig of suicide for joy, curiosity purposes,

others might think about it because they are having a bad time in life,

and next we all know the psycho, but those are rare.


Suicide is always the easy way out, facing the challenge and coming through is tough..


I had thoughts about suicide, but thats because of movies influnce, and for curiosity purpose, like a wondering state only ...



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just about every day. once a day at least i suppose. But its only a thought, i don't persue it.... is it really that big of a deal just to think about it? sometimes i feel that it is my only way out...


i also recently discovered the love in my life keeps me from doing anything like that.

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I thought of it again when I was 22 when my late boyfriend died suddenly after 5 years together, I just could not imagine a whole life without him. Not just not with me, but just not there at all. Shook my world apart.


I think about that possibility with my girlfriend and what I would do if something like that happened. I've been pretty fortunate so far and haven't had one death in my close family yet. A couple close calls with cancer and heart attacks though... It scares me how easy it is for someone to just not be there tomorrow and I've already had to endure getting a nerve racking phone call about my grandfather whom I'm very close to. I'm so scared my girlfriend is going to be the one close person I lose...


I hate thinking about it, but I would probably consider suicide as a viable option if I ever lost her. She means the world to me and what is a person without a world to live on...

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i have seriously considered it only 2 times.


once when my mother was acting totally non caring and unemotional towards, shunning me from her, whil i was living with her when i was 16. that was 2nd most painful time in my life, she was my only parent that i had (my fater was out of the picture, and i caused that, i divorced him.)


the 2nd time was a couple of months ago when my first love left me after 5 1/2 years together. i was extremely low on myself, not understanding why someone that had been with me for nearly 6 years could up and not love me any more.


i still think of those feelings today, and i know i need counseling, but i am not monitarily able to afford it, so i think of how much pain i would inflict on my family and friends if i were to act on them. i'm trying to keep a positive outlook on life, but its still very hard to not see what could happen in the future.



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unfortunately my answer would be daily for the past four years or so. multiple times daily. i suffer from depression and borderline personality disorder. i feel as if i fail at everything and there is no reason for me to be alive. ive acted on my urges five or six times. no one really knows about that though beacuse it didnt work or even make me that sick (when i OD'd three times)

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I remember first thinking about it when i was 12 or 13, right after i switched schools and became the target of seemingly every bully in the new school. My parents didn't care; or I was a very good actor and they didn't see anything wrong, who knows? But I had no one to talk to. throughout juniour high and high school I spent my time in the library or at home in my room; school work and daydreaming helped distract me.


now 8 years later, i have paralyzing shyness (i have no idea what even kept me going this whole time); i've hit rock bottom so many times i'm trapped inside myself. I achieved an all time low a month ago... i won't talk about that here. i live day to day, i can't remember the last time i had something to look forward to. sorry for the rant... but as for the question, all the time; i don't see it as an "easy way out" from my pain; i can't even feel pain anymore; i see it as an ending to an endlessly pointless, boring, empty life

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