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Can an online relationship be serious?

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Ok, Ive been chatting with a guy for about 3 1/2 years maybe a little longer, maybe 4 years. We met through designing websites. He lives in another country. I live in the US. Weve been good friends and recently its become more. We have both sent eachother pix. We both really want to meet eachother face to face and hopefully have a realtionship. My question is am I being unrealistic? Am I being too much of an idealist to think that an online relationship could work? I really think it could we have so much in common. He wants to move to the US. And maybe be my room mate. But I cant do that b/c i will be living in the dorms @ college. But We are trying to find a way to meet up. I havent told my parents or any of my friends they will think Im stupid or something. I'd just like an opinion about this.

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Go for it. Just don;t expect a lot only to get your your hopes up. On a side note...I met my BF on a college forum you had to be a student at that website to access. We met up, were friends that mostly chatted online, I saw him at my church's college night once a week only, got closer and chatted a lot on the phone over the entire summer, and here we are! Been going out for 1 month and 2 weeks (known each other since Feb.). So you never know.

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Go for it. Just don;t expect a lot only to get your your hopes up. On a side note...I met my BF on a college forum you had to be a student at that website to access. We met up, were friends that mostly chatted online, I saw him at my church's college night once a week only, got closer and chatted a lot on the phone over the entire summer, and here we are! Been going out for 1 month and 2 weeks (known each other since Feb.). So you never know.


Umm the dude lives in another country!


I wouldn't waste time in a relationship with chances of meeting are extremely small, as in thousands of miles separated by oceans. Just make sure you don't put 4 years of your life in a relationship built throught cyberspace and in the end, it turns out to be a mistake.

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Yes, of course, people meet that way all the time.


The thing is, though, that you really need to meet the person in real life before you can really get to know them. Meeting online is fine, but in order to progress the relationship, you need to get to physical proximity and spend real experience time with the person to get to know how they really are. It's a bit risky to invest a lot in an online relationship if the prospects for actually meeting the person in real life are not good .. unless you simply want an online relationship and not a real life one.

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Go for it. Just don;t expect a lot only to get your your hopes up. On a side note...I met my BF on a college forum you had to be a student at that website to access. We met up, were friends that mostly chatted online, I saw him at my church's college night once a week only, got closer and chatted a lot on the phone over the entire summer, and here we are! Been going out for 1 month and 2 weeks (known each other since Feb.). So you never know.


Umm the dude lives in another country!


I wouldn't waste time in a relationship with chances of meeting are extremely small, as in thousands of miles separated by oceans. Just make sure you don't put 4 years of your life in a relationship built throught cyberspace and in the end, it turns out to be a mistake.


I was under the impression they would start a relationship after they met from her saying, "We both really want to meet eachother face to face and hopefully have a realtionship." But she was wondering if people relationships like that actually work... That's how I interpretted it.


And "go for it" meant meeting him. As long as they understand the risks, I think it is her choice to dp whatever she wants. But relationships where the people met on the internet do work. Most the people have acted exactly how they seemed online, a little more shy at first, but usually the same. That's been my experiance...only.

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Umm the dude lives in another country!


I wouldn't waste time in a relationship with chances of meeting are extremely small, as in thousands of miles separated by oceans. Just make sure you don't put 4 years of your life in a relationship built throught cyberspace and in the end, it turns out to be a mistake.



So? I am british and met my American husband online! I am now living happily with him in the states - don't be so negative, it CAN work!


My advice is to meet up as soon as you can and see how you click face to face and if it works go for it!



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