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who has that best kissing, most romantic stories or ideas!!!

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Its not really an idea...its something that happened...but the most romantic thing my guy ever did for me was....we went camping...his family has a cabin in the woods next to a lake...we were sitting by a campfire...just talking cuddling to keep warm...the fire burned out and we layed on a blanket watching the cloudless sky staring at the stars...listening to the crickets and the waves crashing against the shore. I felt sooo close to him that night....partially because that was the night we said good bye. But i will never forget the scenery and the moments shared!

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Don't use ideas from others, live in the moment with the person you want. Do you want to recreate other peoples precious and romantic moments? Or do you want to create your own ones?


But if you must have an idea, here you go: simple be there with her, lying next to each other, holding each other, and talking. Don't even need to talk cause sometimes words are not accurate and get in the way. Kissing, making out, etc... doesn't compare to the thrill of just being with the one you love. And then, when you absolutely have to get up, a sweet and gentle kiss. It's heaven.

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I agree on not using other peoples moments but you can take things from other experiences and make them your own. I will share somethign with you that happened to me just because I will remember it the rest of life as being the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.


Around christmas time my bf at the time wanted to do something nice for me and he didn't have much money. He invited me over to his house and walked me down to his basement. It was all decorated with christmas lights and there was teddy bear sitting on a chair just outside his bedroom door. I picked up the bear to hug it and he had put his cologne on it. Eht hen opened up his bedroom door and when i walked inside I just about dropped to my knees in disbelief. He had his whole room lit up with candles and his bed was covered with rose petals. His gift to me was a full body massage and a very romantic dinner.


Sometimes the best things are the small things we take for granted like candles and food.

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The most romantic thing is when you really like someone and they really like you and you have never kissed before, maybe because there hasn't been a chance etc, and then, you get closer and closer and suddenly you kiss and it feels like the whole world around you is exploding and you get this huge adrenaline rush in your stomache..


I have only ever had this once, but i will never forget it!

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