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Is it me or is September a bad month?

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I was at gym the other day when I ran into a friend I haven't seen for awhile. We chated and I asked him how he and his g/f was and he told me they broke up last week. Then he tells me that our other friend was also broken up with his girlfriend. I also mentioned to him that my g/f and I have also broken up last week. Then last night, I ran into another friend who is having relationship problems with her fiance, and she plans to break up with him.


What is going on? Is September a bad month for relationships or is it just in my head?

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Everyday, all over the world, there are many people having break up.


You just coincidentally heard a few couples break up in the same moth.


From this news, look at the bright side, you know that it is not only you having a break up!


So group and form a break up group and do things together. Then you guys will not feel that lonely---just kidding.


Sometimes it hurts so much that we want to cry. But hey, we want the best for our ex, even though we are not the one that end up together.

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My Mrs decided the towel had to be thrown in @ 7 + 1/2 years just yesterday!


We have (had) quite a fiery relationship where 'compromise' involved ME always giving in to her requests - she always wakes up grumpy on a Sunday, and I had already had the worst weekend of my life!!!


My Dad died a couple of months ago, and I was just starting to pick up the pieces of my mind - then this happens................right back to the bottom again!


If there are any women out there reading this..............


We are men!........we want to be loved - just like you!


I hate society - It has been written into the heads of ladies that the MAN should spoil his woman................so what about us? do we get spoilt?


I feel so low...........

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It is a combination of coincidence, and you being more aware of it - when you break up with someone, you tend to be more aware of others going through same thing.


When I broke up with my last boyfriend in May a couple years ago, it seemed EVERYONE was going through similar things. However, many months on this board have shown me that every month there are many breakups, people going through rough times. There are just as many getting together, and having great times, but you tend not to post on a relationships forum which focuses mostly on rough times when things are great

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Yeah I agree Juls!


There is something in the air this year - Its like a mass paranoia with everyone starting to feel the pressure of life!


I have had nothing but bad news recently, and not just relationships - everything is going wrong..........people dying....ie: New Orleans - My Dad (June) London 7th July.


Itas starting to make people twitchy - and I 'm feeling the heat!


Some good news would be nice for a change - make the world feel like home again!

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If there are any women out there reading this..............

We are men!........we want to be loved - just like you! I hate society - It has been written into the heads of ladies that the MAN should spoil his woman................so what about us? do we get spoilt?



I spoiled the hell out of my man! Gave him massages, cooked him dinner, washed his clothes, always bought everything he liked at the supermarket, bought him little surprises, list goes on !

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You sound like you really cared for your man! - the whole dating game is an enigma - there's always someone not pulling their weight in a relationship.


Rest assured if I was your man, it would be YOU getting the massages and having a meal cooked for you!


I will admit that my woman was very attentive when she wanted to be - but she had no emotions - where-as I am very emotional!


Its hard when you want a hug and you're told that you don't need one!


Hurts like hell!


I hope that you find your 'prince charming'...........someone that will be as into the relationship as you!


You deserve it!

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You sound like you really cared for your man! - the whole dating game is an enigma - there's always someone not pulling their weight in a relationship.


Rest assured if I was your man, it would be YOU getting the massages and having a meal cooked for you!


I will admit that my woman was very attentive when she wanted to be - but she had no emotions - where-as I am very emotional!


Its hard when you want a hug and you're told that you don't need one!


Hurts like hell!


I hope that you find your 'prince charming'...........someone that will be as into the relationship as you!


You deserve it!



We should set our ex's up, no?


We had a whole lot of fights about this. Cuddling, spoiling, kissing, etc..

Problem was -- I gave 110% into trying to make him happy and I was getting about 40% back. (towards the end of our relationship)

He likes me spoiling him, he loves the attention. I know this. And as messed up as it may be, trying to make him happy, made me happy. I would buy him a shirt he really really wanted, and I would be more excited than he was about his reaction!

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Ha ha! - yeah!


They could just sit together and talk like robots....neh....furbies! he he!


I like the reaction form giving lots of attention too! - it rewarding....like a childs face when it first sees a firework in the sky! Magic!


I think the next relationship you enter (when you're ready...) should be one where you become high maintenance - let him do some running around for you for a change - I'm sure that it should be easy to do - guys often will do anything if they think it will score them points!


If you don't mind my asking......how did you come to be single again?



My real name is Paul

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Ha ha! - yeah!


They could just sit together and talk like robots....neh....furbies! he he!


I like the reaction form giving lots of attention too! - it rewarding....like a childs face when it first sees a firework in the sky! Magic!


I think the next relationship you enter (when you're ready...) should be one where you become high maintenance - let him do some running around for you for a change - I'm sure that it should be easy to do - guys often will do anything if they think it will score them points!


If you don't mind my asking......how did you come to be single again?



My real name is Paul



Well me and my ex were spending every waking minute together, no space, it led to a lot of arguments. Our communication was ill faded and the more he backed off the more clingy and emotional I became. We really needed the space, but all the fighting led to our break up in the beginning of August.

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Hey nataliejulie, I did the same thing with my ex too. I would give her massages almost everyday when she had a long day at work, I would also cook her dinner (even though Im not very good at it), bought her things when i was out, and just all out spoiled her. Guess I didnt do enough for her!


Anyways, I cant wait till this month is over. September sucks.

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Some women are funny though.. not to generalize, which is why I'm saying SOME.


I'm not going to lie and I'll probably feel bad about it, but I once dated a guy for a few months. Real nice, sweet, spoiled me to death. I hated it after so long. I felt suffocated. He wanted to see me every single day, as SOON as I got home from work. I remember, one day, I told him to give me a few hours to relax and unwind and he would start crying. He was constantly giving me compliments, which was nice, but it was as frequent as saying hello. He was constantly all over me, I felt like I was growing a second head.


Though.. I think about my ex. I wish he did a little more to make me smile but the times he was really romantic and sweet was just breath taking. I remember one night, we were just sitting watching a chick flick, and at the end, I went to get up and turn on the lights... He grabbed me back down to hold me for a good hour and tell me he loved me. Or sometimes when I undressed infront of him, he would feel and admire the curves of my body. It just made me feel INSANE (in a good way )

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Hi everyone... hope you all are ... well... doing okay.


My relationship ended 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks before that happened, I KNEW deep down that something was amiss. I felt confident before then... a few little insecurities (just records from previous relationships playing), but I managed to nip them in the bud as soon as I could manage.


However, when I started feeling that my ex was starting to pull away, I CHASED... I called on average 2x a day (not more than that but once I did call 4x).


It was his birthday on the 6th and I had a $100 gift certificate to this really nice restaurant that I WON so I told him I wanted to take him there. We went to this exhibit at the local art gallery first and then we went for lunch. I sensed he was uncomfortable then.


A few days before the actual day though, I got excited and bought him about 6 gifts. These were not expensive/huge and he seemed happy to receive them but I think when he opened them up, he was not impressed...just was very polite but not appreciative like I didn't 'know' him enough to get him gifts that suited his personality. - I bought him 2 sweaters (not expensive but nice... he really needs new clothes because he would wear the same shirt 4x in a week. Not that he doesn't have other clothes, but not enough... you know?), socks, green tea (he drinks the stuff), a t-shirt and a book.


He loves biking and for a few weeks before his bday I asked him if there was anything he wanted for his bike and he said no... - Perhaps I should have just given him a certificate to MEC (Mountain Equipment Coop). Two days before he broke up with me, he was looking at a card that his friends had given him and they actually gave him a MEC certificate. He smiled and said "Boy, they know me so well." -


The day he came to break up with me, I told him that I knew I was giving too much... and that he probably felt bad because he wasn't doing that much for me. He nodded his head and said that I was very intuitive. I got mad a bit and said "Well, it was your birthday... I wanted to spoil you!" I said that I still wanted to be with him, that I was willing to slow it down but he adamantly said he didn't want to be in a romantic relationship with anyone right now (He's getting over a 6 year relationship which ended 9 months ago).


Well... it sucks. I've actually reserved a book out of the library called "Why Men Love Btiches" - It makes me nauseous just thinking about it because I hate playing mind games and am horrible at it. When I do play some game or another, I end up feeling horrible and gross. Actually, I think I'm going to start a thread on this because I want to have other opinions (guys esp. on this one).

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I got that feeling that you experienced also. The feeling that after the last argument being together, she was being distant and began pulling away.


I also bought and made my ex gifts because I liked spoil her. She wasn't impressed, and said that I only did it because we were fighting. Well, 3 weeks afterwards, she broke up with me.

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I thought thats what you are supposed to do after a fight, is make up....buy a gift....offer a nice gesture etc


Sounds to me like you came out of that relationship without having to bankrupt yourself on someone who didn't appreciate it!


I know a girl who is so generous to her man - she spoils him rotten in ALL the ways that men desire - and he loves her for it. She hates being made to feel that she is NOT independent so she insists on not having the favour returned - mental..................you could also call her perfect!


I would, ofcourse, want to return the favour, as most of us would........


There is 1 lucky guy out there - and she has him already!!!


2 words............grass.........greener!

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