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OK! I had coffee with her and it was nice. WE talked casually and I paid for her chai. She was twirling a twister thingy at some points, which may have indicated she wasn't exactly enthralled, but hey...this was JUST COFFEE and that's how I wanted to keep it. So, I walked back with her towards her dorm and she stepped off the sidewalk to go to her place and I said that it was fun and we should do it again sometime. She thanked me for the chai and headed off. I don't know where to go from here, I didnt get the vibes for asking to set up another specific meeting, but I'll definitely chat with her in class and maybe next week ask her to have lunch together or something. And if nothing comes of it, Im on good speaking terms with her and that's good and I'll move on, take another girl to coffee, continue getting more confident and roll with whatever rolls me





Gotta keep it cool tho. 8)


un hun, tha's right



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You talked casually about what? Hopefully, it was about her and you've learned something about her. People love talking about themselves, and if you can be a good listener and become genuinly interested, she will like you. If she mentioned something such as, "One time, I went to a blah blah blah place and ate blah blah food, it was great . . ." pay attention and learn some about what she likes, that way you can talk about what she likes next time you see her. Don't count yourself out after one coffee meeting.

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Chai is giving some good advice. Love to see that.


One thing the original poster needs to do is watch how she reacts next time he speaks to her. Her body language will give away much information. If her body language indicates interest, then you can ask her out again. You might not want to do it right then, though. If it does not indicate interest, then don't ask, until it does.


Why don't you ask right away if you get good body langauge? Because you may want to build some tension. If you build tension and release it, she will feel great, get an emotional high and associate that with you. You could also just build it by waiting until the end of your conversation. It's an idea.


If she shows no sign of interest, then don't go chase her. Accept that gracefully, don't push her and see if you can generate some interest later.

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What types of body language should I look for? I have her in two of my classes and see her every day so...her looking at me, how she sits...what?

And in response to Chai...I asked her about her cats, her movie tastes, how her classes were going. There were lulls in the conversation, but I feel it went well. I'll think of some stuff to talk about next time I see her, like asking her about her experiences with Amigos de las Americas. I know I got to look for something the next time I see her to judge how to proceed, I just don't know what.


basic final question: Exactly what body language should I look for?

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Body language is the language of love. We all communicate using it, but not all of us understand what we are saying and being told. Learn. Take a look at some of these:


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And just do an internet search for some more. Also, read a book on it, watch people and watch old movies.

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