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Feelin really down

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Hey every1.


Well the last 6 months of my life have been the hardest yet for me, ive had all the stress of Revision for GCSEs and hassle from teachers about them and then all the stress of actually taking them. At the same time ive had to decide on a college to go to and all the time ive been torn between two.


Anyway, GCSEs have passed and i came out with good grades and now its onto the next stage in my life. In the end i chose to go to college A over college B for various reasons, but at college B is my ex who i am still mad for after 8mnths of being apart, ive tried moving on, had another GF but no1 compares to her. College B is undoubtably the better college for grade averages etc but its too much like a school.


Today i had to go to college B for various reasons and saw all the students and my old friends and the atmosphere was just different in a good way. I havent strted college yet so i dont know wot mine will be like.


Anyway the bottom line i feel like i made the wrong decision and i was so stressed about choosing a collegew before and then after tht my ex comes into it, and GCSEs and everythin have jus compiled and its been at the back of my mind for ages but i cant hide it in tht little box anymore, and its just got me extremely depressed at the moment.


I really dont know what i want out of this but any advice or any1 in similar position id be glad to hear from you, jus anythin to get me thru this time in my life.




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Hey man, I know what you feel like. My last lot of exams were the most stressful yet and I was getting headaches everyday as deadlines came closer and closer.

Kudos for passing your GCSEs! As for the college choice, I would give it a few months and I'm sure you'll prefer to move on from school and not worrying about your ex anymore.

Everyone has to go there own way in life so just stick with it!

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