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is low grade touching always a sign of affection?

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hey guys,


Just a simple question here, is low grade touching always a sign of affection?


I had been on a date with this girl and we hadn't touched at all, then, as the week progresses i was just kind to her, acted like nothing had happened, we still sit by each other and still talk and all of that. I talked to her dad twice now and the man likes me ALOT (i hear from her cousin and her) and her mom thinks im sweet as well. Her cousin (plays football with me) is one of my closest friends and always asks if i like his cousin. Her friends are all on my side but i don't know if they have talked to her about me.


The reason i was compelled to write is this...lately...she has been touching me. Outside of our usual talking, laughing together, sitting close, walking with each other. A few instances in the past 2 days stick out in my head the most.


1. Monday, at lunch i was talking to a friend, earlier in the period i had sat down and complimented her on her clothing, saying she looked very pretty. We are both trying to become teachers and we had to dress up for an internship we had that day. I just let her know how i felt. As i sat down she immediately began preening herself, pulling her shirt up around the breast area, straightening out her shirt and pulling her skirt down, fixing her hair while we talked. Anyway, as i was talking to this friend later in the period at a different table, i suddenly feel fingers run through my hair, i turn around and she had smiled a bit and just walked on...weird.


2. Today, i was standing on the balcony in a hallway of our school. I was digging through my plan book in an attempt to locate a pass to get out of my next class. As i was doing this, not lookin up for anything i feel those same fingers scratch my back up and down. I turn around, and there she is with a small smile on her face. I walked her to her class, intentionally held out my hand for a low 5, and to test, didn't take my hand away after we completed it...neither did she.


3. I got to class late and her things were by my seat, no big deal, i just sat down next to her stuff and talked to a friend of mine. She came in, sat down, and wrote me a bit in her notebook about how much her dad liked talking to me the night before. She told me he wanted to meet my mom and dad (possibly seeing if i thought this was ok as well?) anyway, we divide up our tables into a square to share our experiences at our internships. I shared mine in which the class full of 8th grade girls i was teaching discovered i was a senior football player and proceeded to turn every single head in my direction with new interest. The class literally screamed with laughter at this and she was no exception, smiling and laughing. Then my teacher said that this was an issue, how to get past flirtatious girls. As these words came out, the girl started hitting my arm with her hand. So i nudged her back with my elbow, playfully, and she crossed her arms with this pouty look on her face i think.


tough to read, especially to those who are familiar with the date, keep in mind that i was just treating her like a friend after it, i haven't even told her that i really like her yet. Is it time i let that little secret slip?




btw DN she apologized profusely for being on her phone all night and hoped i wasn't pissed...it was tough to get her convinced that i wasn't.

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i would agree with you except she doesn't text me back if i decide to send her a message (she has admitted problems between our phones...usually i dont get the messages she sends and she sometimes doesnt get mine)


and she told me after that date, like...sunday or wahtever that she just wanted a friend right now since she was still sort of with this ex boyfriend of hers, she suggested they take a break and wasn't completely ready to break it off. Thats why i just sort of dropped the lets go out on dates thing.


also the date was weird, she actually received text messages and phone calls in the middle of it, even though she apologized that was weird, and ended it without even motioning for a hug...


it beats the hell out of me! cuz then she goes and does all the stuff i typed up there...weird huh

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1. Monday, at lunch i was talking to a friend, earlier in the period i had sat down and complimented her on her clothing, saying she looked very pretty. We are both trying to become teachers and we had to dress up for an internship we had that day. I just let her know how i felt. As i sat down she immediately began preening herself, pulling her shirt up around the breast area, straightening out her shirt and pulling her skirt down, fixing her hair while we talked. Anyway, as i was talking to this friend later in the period at a different table, i suddenly feel fingers run through my hair, i turn around and she had smiled a bit and just walked on...weird.

Sick dude. Yeah, she.is.into.you. lol.


2. Not all that great, but still she is interested.



I got to class late and her things were by my seat, no big deal, i just sat down next to her stuff and talked to a friend of mine. She came in, sat down, and wrote me a bit in her notebook about how much her dad liked talking to me the night before. She told me he wanted to meet my mom and dad (possibly seeing if i thought this was ok as well?) anyway, we divide up our tables into a square to share our experiences at our internships. I shared mine in which the class full of 8th grade girls i was teaching discovered i was a senior football player and proceeded to turn every single head in my direction with new interest. The class literally screamed with laughter at this and she was no exception, smiling and laughing. Then my teacher said that this was an issue, how to get past flirtatious girls. As these words came out, the girl started hitting my arm with her hand. So i nudged her back with my elbow, playfully, and she crossed her arms with this pouty look on her face i think.
..... I think she was just waiting for you to do something like tell her she was hot, or is interesting or ask her out something of that sort lol.


Like someone else said she wants you badly lol.

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If she apologised for being on the phone during your date that means she knew she was doing it and that it was rude and inconsiderate - so why did she do it?


And you were pissed about it but instead you let her off the hook. So now she will think it's OK to treat you like that. Not cool.


I would give her one more chance - ask her out and see how it goes. But I would also be very guarded and would drop her like a hot rock if she played silly games again.

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I expect shes still feeling confused after her break up with her exboyfriend. She either likes you but cant quite bare to let go of her old relationship yet, or she likes u as friend but is enjoying being able to flirt again now she is out of a relationship. Either way i suppose all you can do is give her some space but continue to be friendly with her and wait for her to make a move.

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I'm of the opinion that she's using you for attention. Not to mention the fact that there's an ex in the picture. I don't think you need to tell her you have a crush on her, she "wants" that confirmation. Do you know how many women flirt with guys while having boyfriends just for an ego boost. You pulled back from her, and now she's trying to get that attention from you by turning up the signals, hence the touching. Don't tell her you have a crush on her, just take her out on dates and move from there. Don't be surprised if you end up as a "rebound" either.

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