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I think i may be a Lesbian, is that really so bad?

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hey people, this is me abstar, i do have a boyfriend and all but... i love to go onto gay teen chat sites...and talk to lesbians, i have never ever had a girlfriend but i have explored deeply over other lesbians, i can never see my self in a relationship with a girl but i get these weird feelings, when i'm about to go down on my boyfriend i just get the feeling i'ld rather be giving oral to some young sexy girl...i fantasise all the time about it and i have enjoyed fingering a lesbian i know but i don't like go around looking at girls finding them atractive like i do my boyfriend im just losing all concentration on sex and blowjobs with my boyfriend because i keep thinking of things like a lesbian would please i wanna have pleasurable sex with my boyfriend not thinking about girls all the time is this normal whats going on with me???

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I understand what you are going through right now because I'm going through exactly the same thing. The difference is that I'm 42! I've also been married for 13 years! (Second marriage)


If I'd dealt with these feelings when I was 13 then I wouldn't be in this mess right now!


If you want to talk PM me. I'm also on MSN so if you want my address please ask for it.


Take care.



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Each person has their own idea to apply when it comes to the boundry of actually being Gay/Lesbian or it being strictly a Sexual and Lust basis.


i can never see my self in a relationship with a girl

Again thoughts vary but I do believe being a Lesbian would apply to all aspects, than being selective. More likely I suppose you would lean more towards Bi due the fact you have no interest in a true relationship just the sexual portion.


Then again there are those which consider themselves straight even after they engage in same sex thoughts on a regular basis. Whereas others believe it is any same sex interaction or thoughts, each person can take a different outlook.


Again, like is said by many sexuality is fluid and can shift, and I've heard of many cases where during arousal certain thoughts like same-sex sex do slide around even for those who state they are straight. For me you need to consider all aspects to actually consider that being one's true orientation, relationships are a strong basis. I'm sure there are those which will disagree but just my general outlook.

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hey. you know i think about girls someitmes think about what it would be like and fantasize at times. and it makes me wonder. but if you're wishing you were going down on a young sexy girl vs. this guy then i think you should look into it. i mean maybe you should persue something with a girl and see how you feel. it might require taking a break from your bf. really its not like you can just magically stop thinking about it and thers nothing wrong with it. but it is a problem: you're not enjoying it (im assuming) and thats going to cause problems.

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I agree with Jinx in thinking that you're leaning more towards bi than lesbian. I also agree with goddess23 in thinking that you should take a break from your boyfriend (if that's what you wish to do) and perhaps explore some of your feelings.


As for your title for your post, being a lesbian is not a bad thing. I am a lesbian and in a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend whom I am madly in love with. I don't believe that it is any different to a heterosexual relationship, but it is my preference. If it's yours too then good luck with it.



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  • 1 year later...

hey omg im sorry i have not posted back to this i had problems with accounts and it has been ages i have grown up and i didn't think that being a lesbian or bi was a bad thing but everyone said to me that it was i was scared to be disowned so i kept my feelings hidden..

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