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Saying "I Love you"... ..

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My boyfriend and I just started dating its been almost 2 months, and we've gotten really close to each other. I'm 23 and he is 33. He hasn't had that many relationships, and the ones he has had haven't lasted that long. He said the woman he has dated would "flake" out, Say they liked him one day and the next they didn't. So I think he is afraid of getting hurt. I have a lot of feelings for him and he said he does for me, but i've been hurt before and am very cautious about getting hurt again. Well anyway last night we went out for a couple of drinks and I told him that I thought I was falling in love with him, he looked at me and smiled, he looked very happy and said he likes me very much. Today we hung out all day I told him I meant what I said last night, but I feel stupid, he asked why, and he told me I shouldn't feel stupid at all he likes me very much and is happy with me.


My questions are.... Do you think I've said the "I love you" too soon? Is it bad that he didn't say it back? I like him very much and I know he likes me, but I am used to a guy saing it 1st to me or saying it back when I say it. I had to tell him I have such strong feelings for him I couldn't not say it, and I felt relieved after I told him. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Any thoughts/ comments are more then welcome. Thank you!!!

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If he seemed happy then I think you should relax and wait awhile. He may have thought that saying it back would sound somewhat insincere, as if he was obligated. He may just want to say it in his own time.


Just relax and enjoy the feeling. Que sera sera.

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he might just not be ready to say it. try saying it in a cute voice or something. he will answer you when he is ready. but the cute voice might soften the "serious" mood around it, and make it a bit easier to say. but no matter what, that first time he says it, he means it.

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Thank you all for your replies. I'm sure everything will turn out the way it should. He does seem very happy with me and he opens doors holds my hand and is very polite. Not in a cheesy way or in a let me get in your pants way, he is very genuine, and that is what I like the most. When it comes to love I should relax, it isn't a race. If him and I are meant to be we will. Thanks again!!

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