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Should i tell her that?

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Hi everyone,


well... here is my situation...


I am nearly 24 and although i have some problems with my shyness i try to overcome this for my well being. I haven't had any girlfriend in the past, nor any sexual experience, i have't even kiss a girl before... however i want to change all these and not let the time pass...


my question is that: let's suppose that i find a girl to be with that she is interested to be together as i do. Do you think that is safe to tell her that i had no previous sexual experience or not to speak at all about that?

Please... don't say that i should find i girl first and then come back to ask!

I was really thinking about this subject, what might she think if i tell her about that?


As my appearance is concerned i must admit that this in not the problem, i see that girls are looking at me and they are aware of me being there...so the problem is in my mind only...that i must think positive about my self... yes...i understand all these...


well what do you think of my question?


Thank you

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I think you might mention it before you actually have sex if you think you will be nervous. But before that I would not. Especially very early in the relationship.


I take it you were not asking if you should say this when first asking her out?

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I'm almost 19 and I'm in the same boat as you.


I would wait to say it. Saying it too early might be bad. Once the attraction grows and she begins to like you a lot after some dating, then I think it would be safe to say it then. If she really did like you for who you are, then she'd accept that and not make it a big deal.


Just my 2 cents.

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I think that you shouldn't bring up your sexual history in the very beginning unless you feel comfortable talking about it. I think in todays society when we are with our male friends, it sounds cool to have a lot of sexual partners, but really according to a recent survey I read in mens health it said that the less sexual partners a guy has had, the more intelligent women will think you are. Which I think is true even if a lot of what you see in the media promotes sexuality.

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Honesty is the best policy.


At some point when getting to know each other the topic of past relationships/experience will come up. You don't want to lie to her. So you should tell the truth. It's nothing to be ashamed of and not something that she should feel odd about, at least not if she's worth it. I'm nearly in the same place. No offical relationship yet, sexual experience is nonexistent, but the girls I've talked to haven't minded. And they have started to like me even with my lack of experience. So don't worry about it.

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i'm exactly like the orginal poster situation- 24 and inexperience, wow somebody like me, but u can always fibbb a little like say u dated a girl for a month or u dated but nothing serious -very short term.


anyways how can they tell-being intitmate is just holding hands and go for the kiss-ah u can;t do that not hard ya now. jsut watch movies relationship type of movies like summer catch, wimbleton, first daughter

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