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Is it possible to get back together after a break up?

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I am going to confront him with the many defemating things he had to say about me. I would rather resort to words then violence, but i have a few rebutals of my own. I plan on walking away after i say my piece, but if it gets out of hand then i am very much prepared. That is all.

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What was her response to your "closure" talk last night? How did she take it? What did she say when you gave her the "100% or 0%" thing?


I hate to disagree with Superdave about being the "bigger man" in regards to her other guy because I think that when you mess with someone's b/f or g/f you deserve a beating. Whenever I have toyed with the idea of trying to get with another man's g/f the idea of getting my azz kicked by the boyfriend has always brought back to reality...why? because the thought that if I am stupid enough to play with fire, I deserve to get burned. Too bad more people didnt think like that, there would be alot less infidelity in the world.


Let us know how she handled it.

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Roy, tell me about it...I am not going to go out of my way to find this guy, I know sometime soon we will run into each other...it just depends where I am, who i am around, and the mood that i am in as to what words i choose, and what the outcome will be...we will see.


Well, my girl and I planned to meet up for some drinks after she got off work. I met her and we started just talking and then got to what i really wanted to talk about. She was mentioning the fact that she wish she could just forget about everything that is going through her mind and just focus on what she really wants...our relationship back. She was saying that those times where the happiest times in her life and she has no idea why she cant just do it. I told her that she has way too many distractions right now, and I didnt want to be among any distractions. For gods sake, why would i want to be a "distraction"...I told her that i was fine with giving her the freedom that she seemed to be asking for and i expect the same. She asked if we could be friends, and i told that was fine, but we are not going to be best buds...atleast for now.


I finally realized something when my best friend for 24 yrs made it apparent. He was getting pissed at me for getting back with her so soon. He told me that he always envyed the fact that i never had a problem with women, and that anyone would have killed for the opportunity with some of the girls that i passed up during my break. He told me that i was too stuck on this one girl and that i never even gave life without her a true chance.


And here we are...traveling down this broken road...waiting for the path to lead me to something (someone)...I have for once opened my heart and forgot about "being a man"...and it is the most wonderful feeling in the world...I will tell everyone out there this: It is better to love then to never love...Yeah, it is a risk, but well worth it. The hard times make you stronger, and allow you to help those in need just like everyone here is doing. I know i have truly realized that love is a great gift that god has given all of us...Good Luck to you all.

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Anonymous81.. not sure if i remember me. But we have like totally different issues. But anyway since Im here I thought it would be nice for me to contribute, and maybe later on I might get repaid in a different way.


Maybe she might be using you for your money since the other guy is short? Don't get all frustrated about this as Im not you and I don't know the situation.


I think you have a really cool head. It's a good and bad advantage. I think the best is to talk to her. Don't ignore her. She might not understand your feelings right now. Tell her although I don't mind you hanging or going to see him as a friend you still want her to show all her affection for you and not him. this is probably one of my biggest mistakes that Ive made that possibly ended my relationship with my girlfriend, getting angry at her chattin with other boys.


Emotions and feelings is like a language, you have to learn and intrepret it. And that's why Im here in this forum to learn from you guys. I wish there was a book that you can read.

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I used to think it was about the money and what everything that i did for her, but it truley isnt. Rick, I really dont give a damn who she hangs out with...hell, we went on separate spring breaks back in the day. I am far from jealous b/c the idea of her leaving me never came up and i trusted her. But the problem here is that she breached my trust and has proved me wrong in the recent past. The other day, I told her that she is not the girl that I fell in love with 2 1/2 yrs ago, and if she ever found that girl to let me know.


I dont really believe in the NC rule to the fullest. I believe that little contact is probably the route that I am going to travel. Granted, i rarely call her...she calls me. For example, last night she was hanging out with her most recent ex and his friends at a bar, but when she got home she called being extremely sincere. She called b/c she said "I just wanted to call and talk to you before i went to bed. I want you to have sweet dreams and a good night. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow"...and along with some other stuff-I was half asleep at 1am so i dont really remember the conversation too well.


Another interesting fact is that one of my best friends is dating her best friend so i get some inside info. But, i was talking with my buddy and he told me that her best friend said that she has really changed since we broke up. She said she is being a "self absorbed bich". And i have to agree. Even my ex agrees that she has changed. The main reason that lead to our break was the way she was acting after the last spring break...I mean we broke up immediately after she got back. She said that she wishes she would have never gone down there b/c she says that everything would be OK with us. Now that she is single she is getting alot of attention from guys, and that is going to her head. Seriously, she is a 9.75 on a 10 scale. And when you have her ex giving her another chance and this other guy fighting for her back...it doesnt help. She always said if there was one thing that she could change about me, it would have been my ego...but looks to me that she has become the one with the ego problem...


So there you go fellas...Without women, our lives would be normal...and who wants a normal life....OH WAIT, ME!!! But i guess you only live once, right?

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