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I just want to ask the women out there if this outlook on what I envision a relationship would be like is overromanticized or corny. I've always thought that I would like a girlfriend not so that I can show her off to my friends and family, not to have sex with, not even to kiss all the time non stop. I just eant someone to spend time with on a one on one asis and someone to hold. More tha anything else, sometimes I just think about how nice it would be to have someone to cuddle up with. And just that, just holding someone close. I may have this notion because I've been single all my life but I just think that would be such a nice thing, to have someone to hold. Anyways, ladies, I wanted to know what you thought of that attiude/idea.



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I think that is the best attitude i have ever [censored]heard. Most guys are in it for lustful immoral disgraceful reasons and I believe that any girl who reads this would throw themselves at your feet. In college most guys were all about booty calls and one night stands. It was (and is in current college hell) disgustingly disgraceful and I was beginning to believe that all guys out there (exluding my boyfriend although i am having doubts about him now) were chauvinist sick momma suckin pigs. You are sweet. And girls will love you. But don't be trippin us now. If you're lyin.... girls have like... x-ray intuition so they know where you're at.... they'll screw you over man so you better be truthin. But anyway you're statement is what a real relationship is all about. Go Mo Fo. Go git her.

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Only if one of my prior partners had been like that, I'd of been much happier about relationships.


The idea is good just one note. Don't get taken advantage of with that attitude, nice is excellent but still be careful. Some past acquaintances of mine seemed to get the impression Nice = Stupid (Why is beyond my comprehension unless they think the guy won't do anything to boss them around if they do something, I wouldn't know) so they wanted to take advantage of and use the guy. Not a nice scenario, get a woman that is just as wonderful as you are. Settle for nothing less and you'll be repaid a hundred times over for keeping your standards and attitude you have of relationships.


Thats my $0.02 of the moment. Keep up the thoughts.

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Remember that girls are just like guys: Yes they want someone just to be with and cuddle with, but they also want you to be passionate about them, and to sleep with them often. Most girls continually want you to notice and tell them about how good looking they are. Remember never be afraid to tell a girl that she looks beautiful. Never in my life have I ever had a girl get upset at me when I told her how passionately beautiful she is. Remember that...

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the thing is, the sleeping with them part, at least in a relationship I would see myself in, wouldn't happen for a while. And I'm for letting them know how much I love them and how beautiful she is. All I'm saying is that I hope (and from the replies I've found out) that my attitude is a good one. I don't mean to say that I would never be passionate. Sure I would. But every time we get together or sit next to one another, shouldn't have to lead to kissing or something more.

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It is a wonderful attitude to have. "Just hold me"... and there are many days.. I'd like to say.. "Just hold me."


I agree with you that cuddling shouldn't always lead to sex. Sometimes the timing is wrong. Sometimes you just.. want to be held and cuddled. Not that you don't love them. But there's a special closesness in having someone just to cuddle with.


Will girls think you are strange and all gooy because of this.. heck no.

However... I do suggest being honest with your GF and talk to her about your feelings.


I had a BF who'd make out with me to the point of... uhmmmm...and then stop. And this went on for far to long. A person can only be teased for so long...and keep the breaks on for so long.


A natural progression to the relationship is good. And once you do decide to become intimate.. be honest ..and open and talk about your feelings and your needs. If you just want a "HOLD ME" night.. let her know. It is ok. Its more than ok. I'm sure she'll respect you and love you for it even more..because you are honest.


And, quite frankly... it takes the pressure off of us. Cause what if we are not in the mood for whatever reason...and BF starts kissing up on us..and we feel we have to put the breaks on... you feel like you are hurting their feelings by saying.. "Just hold me."

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