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My ex and his brother.... is this normal??????

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I would just like some advice on what you think please... my ex of just over 4 weeks constantly talks to his brother twice a day, and tells him everything. His brother either phones in the morning at 7am or even 11.30pm. His brother has his own family by the way... They constantly talk to one another about everything and the problem was that he was excluding me. My ex has now moving to a different state, is leaving his job to work with his brother in a partnership. When I went interstate to visit him, his brother sent me home.... yes, his brother!!! When I was interstate, my ex then started to phone his mother everynight for 1 to 2 hours and talk, again disregarding me or including me.... His brother and my ex tells me there is nothing wrong with what they are doing, that I am not normal cause I don't ring my mum and sisters everyday and that I am anti social.... My ex is extremely influenced by his brother, I also felt the brother had someone else in mind for him and not me.... the brother doesnt like me so I'm out the door....


Can I ask please..... do you think this is normal? I respect a man who keeps in touch with his family of course, but to tell him everything?????? The brother even admitted it..... he also said to me," if I made it hard for my ex when he sent me back that he would tell the rest of his family that I was not a nice, co-operative person" etc.... my ex didn't even stick up for me, I felt it was totally bizarre. He just went upstairs and ate his meal.. Have not heard from him in just over 33 days now....


Communication is a great thing, I just feel he should have been communicating with me, I just feel depressed, down and out..... What do you think?

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Well, if it's his older brother and in addition, their father was never around. I could clearly see how he is greatly influenced by what his brother says. It's obvious that he doesn't feel comfortable yet making his own big decision or standing for what he believes in, so until he is comfortable it seems that he's going to continue doing what he's doing. If you still want to work it out with him, I would suggest for right now to build a good rapport with the brother. That's JMO. HTH!

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