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wants to know why couples would leave someone they've...

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hi. i just wanted to know why something like this always happens: why do couples always leave someone they've been with for a long time for someone they haven't been with for a long time? this happened to me last year when i was dating this dude i've been with for 2 years (since 2002--split up in 2004) and i was dissed for someone he's never met before. also, i've heard about 2 weeks ago that my ex got married, but i don't believe it not one bit. i don't even know (if it's true or not) when he exactly got married, but do you think this punk is going to be with his wife as long as we've been together? this happens all the time to people and i get kinda sick of it when someone leaves someone they've been with for a long time for someone they've never even know for not even a year yet. why do couples do that? i also would like to know is why does a person that they've cheated on always wants that person back months or years later after they've cheated on that person? do you think my ex of 2 years is gonna ever want me back? do you think his marriage (if he's married--don't believe it) is gonna last more than 2 years? i also can't seem to get over him. what should i do or shouldn't do? please send me some feedback! help!!

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You've posted about this guy before and that you want him back. He hit you and forced you to do horrible things. He is toxic for you and the best thing he ever did for you was walk out of your life.


Don't even think about him coming back - he would just hurt you again.


Time to take control of your life and get over him. Find someone who loves and treats you as you deserve - with respect.

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Well, I agree to leave him alone if he brought all of that into your life. But, to answer your question....I see it all the time and I wonder the same thing. My theory is that when you are in a relationship that turns long-term, one starts to think about the future, marriage, etc. But then the unimaginable happens and a breakup occurs. Well, after say 3 years of being in a relationship where the next stage was marriage or moving in or what have you, some folks just don't really feel like starting alll the way over from square 1. I think some people don't know how to get back into the grove of starting over; it's like their set in that one gear and the next person that comes along basically picks up where the last left off. Now, it may not make a lot of sense to some and I hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes, but this is just my theory. It may not happen all the time, but this is just the way I have observed it.

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why would a someone leave someone they've been with for a long time for someone they've been with for only a short period of time? just curious.


It's a bit hard to see how it could happen another way, except if you left someone for a friend you've known for a long time.


I mean you can't leave someone you have been with for two years to be with someone else you have been with for two years...get it? doesn't make sense.

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As with everything in life. People can't stop thinking the grass is going to be greener on the otherside.


But I agree with what everyone else has said. If this guy was bad news, you are way better off without him.


Keep your head up. Remember you can't go back. Only forward. Stop dwelling on things that are no longer in your control to change. Start takeing care of yourself. After a toxic relationship like that, I imagine you still have a lot of healing to do..


It gets better. Life does go on.

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