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Is this possible/normal?

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Erm, my girlfriend and I were having dry sex today and it progressed into her giving me a handjob. Well I reached orgasm, I think - and I didn't cum. After I had my orgasms we both looked around and didn't see any cum.


Normally, when I masturbate I orgasm and cum at the same time. I know that it is possible to stop the ejaculation and still have the orgasms but I thought PC muscle exercises were required.


Now my penis is kind of sore, I don't know if it's because she was a bit rough (I'm not circumcized so at times, things got kinda funny feeling). The part on my head where the foreskin connects with the actual head of the penis is kind of red and sore. I hope it's not an STD but I really doubt it could be. There wasn't any real exchange of fluids even though we were really close, and I had just fingered her.


Reading over this I realized it was two questions in one post, oh well. Thanks in advance!

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This wouldn't be an STD, the foreskin in generally uber sensitive where it connects (as Im sure you know) and for my knowledge, too much dry and rough sexual contact can be bad for the foreskin, if it happens too much and too vigerously it can sometimes tear or bleed so be careful.

This being said, however, Id suggest you get tested for STD's all the same. You cannever be too safe, and you dont want to have to get a test done when its too late. If youre doing anything sexual, I recommend you and your partner get tested once a year.


As for not ejaculating, Im not all that sure. Especially me being a girl, it's hard to say. I know I have had alot of weird "orgasms" in my time, and it certainly wouldnt surprise me if this was normal.

Maybe it was so rough that you couldnt infact define when you had actually came from the roughness. Maybe you were simply close, but couldnt go on due to the pain. Once it started becoming non-enjoyable, you might have believed it was over when it wasnt?

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