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Do we only get one chance?

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Hi all,

It's been a long time since I've been on here. It's about a year since I broke up with my ex, and its strange to see how much I have changed. Everything seems so much clearer, just as everyone on this site said it would, and I really see how it all worked out. I'm more independent, found good friends, etc.


I think I'm finally ready to really think about other people/guys now. I have never really been someone to pursue a guy. I've only dated two guys before, and they have all pursued me, and at both times, I wasn't looking for someone.


Now I feel like every time I meet someone that could potentially be a boyfriend and i dont see them again, is it because of me? or is it fate? Just the other day, I met this kid , and he is great. Except I didn't really say too much to him because I am generally pretty shy.


Sometimes I wonder if we only get one chance, like because I didn't make a good impression or because I didn't say more, did i lose out on ever seeing him again?


If i dont see him again is it because I didn't make a good impression/talk enough, or is it because that is the way things are meant to be?


Any thoughts?

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Here's what I think: if in the past you have had guys approach you, who then became your bf's, then it won't change. It iwill happen when it happens. It's not because you're too shy or made the wrong impression, it's because those guys weren't right for you. Don't doubt yourself, EVER. Continue being who you truly are, and you'll find your love.

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I agree, things will happen when they are suppose to happen. If you don't see the guy again, it wasn't meant to be. Don't blame yourself or wish you would have done something different. Instead focus on the present and making each day the best it can be. When the time is right, you'll find someone.

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Yes, I kind of think we get one chance. Which stinks, because sometimes we're not ourselves or nervous, or had a bad day or bad hair day.


I think people are so busy these days, so selfish and wrapped up in their own worlds that they don't always make time for a second chance with someone. Even if something goes wrong, (not horribly wrong!) it is worth another try to see if things might be good.


Maybe that's why it's easier to develop relationships with people we work with and we're in school with, because we have more than one or two chances to see them.

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