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Just the other day I started to get 2 lymph nodes in my throat and they began to increase each day... I was thinking, great another sore throat.. so I didn't think anything of it. Well 2 days ago I had a very high fever.. somewhere 103.. and I slept all day long. So I thought to myself.. great strept throat AND a fever.. so I decided to call a doctor to get some antibiotics. Well I go in for a checkup and they do a "swab" test for strep and the results turned out negative.. so then they took my blood. The results said I have mono. Right now I am so freakin tired. The last couple of days I slept for 20 hours, I have no appetite my throat is nearly swollen shut, my kidney area is so sore.. my neck is real sore, my headace is un-real.


Now I'm not the one to complain but this isn't my idea of fun.. I heard that if you have mono, that you may have it for several months. If mono continues to be like I have been feeling that means I will have to drop my class, stop working, and have alot of "alone" night, because face it... people (even friends) don't like to be around sick people.. so I decided to get one of those movie ticket's at Blockbuster for the month. Neways if anyone could give me more information on mono it would be greatly appreciated.



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Just so you know, viruses (such as the ones that cause mono) do not respond to antibiotics. Antibiotics only work only living organisms - such as bacteria and fungi. Technically viruses are not alive so antibiotics have no real effect on things such as colds and flus (all virial).


That's my science bit for today hehe.

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I had mono when I was in junior high...and I won't lie, it sucked!


I had to stay out of school for a month I was SO dead tired. When I went back, the next month it was for half days only, and there was no gym class for another month after that. Ugh, I had almost no energy...if I woke up at 10 am, I would be tired by 11 am! Spent a lot of time on couch watching crappy daytime television!


I was fortunate in that I was a good student, so managed to keep my grades up, with the little bit of schoolwork I was able to manage to do every week.


I was not feeling SICK the entire time..maybe just for the first couple weeks. After that it was just TIRED...no headaches or anything like that...just TIRED...so things do improve.


Get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids and try and pace yourself. It is frustrating, but the better you take care of yourself and accept you are sick and need rest, the better you will improve.

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I had mono in my first year of uni and it took me half a year to 'recover'. Actually, I think I never felt the same again, I still get tired easily.


Rest a lot, the throat thing will pass in a few weeks, I hope. Stop taking the antibiotics, they only work on bacteria and mono is a virus. Since mono can make your liver malfunction, I seriously advice you to NOT take these antibiotics, and certainly don't use alcohol as long as the virus is active.





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So your saying I can't drink?? Oh man, I'm going to be living in HELL.. What am I to do.. jk.. no but that really does suck. Mostly since everyone I know is out having a blast at the bars (since thats the only thing to do in this college town), but yet I'm sitting at home sleeping my way to happiness.


I feel like I'm to old to have this virus now.. I'm already a junior in college, bout to be senior. Everyone else I know has had it in middle school and high school. I know there is no timeline.. but it would have made things alot more easier if I had it back then.

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