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me and my b/f have been long distance for 2 years and he gets insanely jealous when I go and hang out with people. Most of my friends are guys, and I am not cheating or anything, he says he trusts me but then gets mad when i hang out with them. We just talked about it and never resolved anything. I mean I can;t help it that I hang out with guys, I wanted to go jeepin and he got pissed cause I would go


does anyone know what to make of this or what I should do?

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speakin as a guy, and me personally, i too get very jealous of girlfriends when they go out with other lads or when they are gone for long periods of time. it's completely natural and everyone copes with it differently. apparently, all these psychologists say that your jealousy is determined by how insecure you are. so working off that assumption, your b/f must have some issues. especially trust one's. even though you may trust and love someone, part of you still thinks they may be capable of doing wrong things. it' daft, but true.

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I used to be that way, seriously. But not anymore.. Iv'e been screwed over a couple times so now I don't take things as seriously as I used to. Funny how things turn out like that. I give the girl space and if she decides to cheat on me.. out she goes.. there are plenty more. I feel like I don't need to waste my time on a girl that likes to waste her own. As for you boyfriend, it does sound like an insecurity issue. I know a relationship needs to be built around trust.. and if there isn't that trust it pretty much ruins everything.. mostly in a long distance relationship. There is nothing that you can really do. It's something that he needs to deal with personally. I mean how can you make someone trust you except never letting them down, just like how can you make someone love you also??


Sorry, but the problem doesn't lie with you.

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LDRs are a whole other animal -- it's like an normal relationship with the joys and agonies magnified 1000 times. If your bf gets jealous, you reassure him that it's harmless. But if it's something that he cannot completely get over, and if he means something to you, you should consider, not hanging out so much with other guys -- in other words, you might want to consider are putting his needs in front of yours. You might think that you shouldn't have to do this, but you have to decide if it's worth if for this relationship.


To give you an example, my male friend always had a lot of close female friends. When he got married his wife got jealous of this, and they had a lot of fights. Ultimately, he had to decide that his marriage was more important than hanging out with his female friends. It was a tough decision, but he thought it was worth it to keep his marriage. Some people may not feel this way, but that is ultimately his/her choice.

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