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my ex has emailed me after promising me he never will....

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k well we had a pretty serious relationship, we planned on getting married etc. Anyways, we have been broken up for about 5 months, about a month ago, we started chatting online/over email about just random things, and decided to try to be friends. Unfortunately he had to say something stupid to me that made me feel insulted soo we got into this huge fight over email and he promised that he will never talk/email me again cuz Im a "pyscho"


well he just sent me an email with a link to some article that really has nothing to do w/anything.


Wtf is the deal?


Should I respond?

I dotn want to give in that easy or make him think that I will just forgive and forget....

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Nah don't reply....

Check to make sure it wasn't sent mass mail...maybe your name was included on the list or something. Consider it as an oversight on his part. If he mails you again, then you'll know he wants to talk.

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Looks like he's back in your life to play another round of mind games. It sounds like he's testing the waters to see if you are still interested...then once you take the bait, it'll be back to the same ol' stuff.

It's really hard to be friends with someone you had a relationship with, and even harder if you still have an ounce of feelings for that person.

If you are not ready to forgive and forget all the issues, and can't just be friends with him, then don't resume communication with him.

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The psychology of it: he wants a reaction - specifically, you to respond to him. He may not have been sure how to approach you, so sending you a random link is his way of trying to get your attention and for you to respond to him.


Unlike a previous poster said, I don't think he has bad intentions. As you know, during the "heat of the moment" humans say things they later regret, including name-calling. No name-calling conflict should be considered unforgiveable. I understand your frustration, but what he's doing right now is attempting to get a response from you. The choice is yours though as to whether or not you want to respond.

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I agree with Chai.


I'd be careful about responding though... decide if you can take it.... are you even ready to have contact?


If not... wait until you are... it gives you an excuse to contact him (if we are talking a couple weeks from now).


If you need longer... ignore the email.


If you want to talk, just tell him "thanks cool article" and leave it at that.


Good luck



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I think you are right Chai--Who knows really what his intentions are. I think my mind is so use to what most people have experienced with this...especially if the dumper resumes contact with the dumpee with no real intention of getting back together. Maybe his intentions were genuine and to really say sorry. Only time will tell. I dont know the history of this (who broke up with who and for what reason, has he tried contact before, etc), so I should've taken that into account before I responded. I guess Confused will only know his true intentions if she actually talks to him again.

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You know what.... my bf and I had a friend and this guy always flirted with me... well when his wife moved back in she was uncomfortable with our friendship and my bf started to be uncomfortable as well so we stopped talking..


Then we started talking on MSN again and he decided to block me (i knew i was blocked for real).. This really annoyed me because I didnt do anything wrong...


One day I got an email, it wasnt a mass email either and it was an article about being safe when getting into your car at night...



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well we broke up due to pressure of getting married and we fought all the time about stupid things etc. I guess we were not ready to take the next step of our relationship.


I dotn know what I want to do, but I do know that I dont want him to think that I'll just give in everytime after and pretend like nothing is bothering me.


I think he emailed me cuz I blocked him off aim, and as men usually are, they cant take it that their ex has moved on or doesnt want them back again.


I dont know what I want, but I know for sure that I cant just be friends with him anymore...I can however discuss our issues and hope for reconciliation in near future.


Ready, did u respond to that email that he sent you?

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