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Just when you think your in the clear

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Some of you have read my story, i havn't posted in awhile as ive been much better and was enjoying life. 3-4 Month mark. I'm talking with a friend on the phone, and i receive a text message.


It's from the EX. We havn't even spoken in 3-4months. It says this: "Do i ever cross your mind, or is it a memory slowly fading.."


Now, we dated for 2.5 years, she's 19, i'm 21. We fought over stupid stuff, and she met some new friends which caused her to break things off. The relationship was generally unhealthy. No one was unfaithful or anything. I was just so shocked to even receive the message. Not sure what to make of it...

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Tell her the memory is slowly fading but the fade is getting quicker every day.


I like what DN says. Except, I wouldn't respond at all. That'll send a pretty clear message. The relationship was unhealthy so you both need to move on. She is dwelling and letting you know that...not good for either of you.

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soooo whats the answer to her text?

Do you want her back?

Do you think about her?

Do you wonder how shes doing?


if the answer is no to the above, then I say ignore the text...


Sounds to me like shes wondering if you miss her (abviously ) thats a sure sign that shes contemplating if she wants to get back with you IMO.


and if the answer to the questions is a yes, then do something bout it fool!

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I think sometimes things are for the best. Sometimes things are not meant to be. On the other hand (a much bigger, brighter, hopeful hand) Many of the people on this post are all about finalization. I said sometimes things happen for a reason.... Many times people can split from a relationship for whatever reason. People can take time to live thier lives and come to terms with what makes them happy, what mistakes they have made, and try to right some mistakes. Sometimes people need time for reflection. Sometimes people (exspecially young people) need to have other experiences in life. This could be a message saying Just wondering if you are still my friend. This could be a message saying I would like to see you again. I have found that honesty is the best policy. If you do truly have some feelings for her you could say I do still think about you and leave it at that. Or you could say I was hurt to bad to keep the feeling of you by my heart. None the less people do deserve second chances. Maybe even third or fourth.... The great thing about love if it is truly love (and not somthing else that resembles love) is that in a true bond there is such a thing as forgiving and forgetting.

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Thing is, i still do think about her, quite a bit. Never cared about anyone the way i did her. I truly loved her with all my heart. And made some serious mistakes on how i treated her.


I replied with a simple.. "All the Time."



Suppose being honest now is the most important thing.

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Like i said, i texted that back. She then replied later around 7pm, we texted back and forth and she said she would call me later. She called me around 12pm. I didn't answer as i was busy and she left a message and I called her back 20 minutes later.



We talked, she talked about what was going on with work, and school and her life. Some things that happened with her family. And how she never forgot about me, and was trying to build iup enough strength to contact me. She said she has been waking up with swollen eyes the past week or so.


So i was concerned and pried it out of her. She has been looking at pictures of us in the middle of the night and just crying over and over. I was kinda shocked by all this. She wants to meet up friday night and talk in person somewhere quiet...

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If you still like her then that's brilliant. Not sure whether you dumped her or her you? All I can say is that there are going to be a lot of jealous people on this site that read what is going on with you and think 'Please God let my ex do that for me'!

The only thing is that you still have to protect yourself to a certain extent. Still young'uns', and if it was unhealthy before you don't wanna end up unhealthy again and back in a routine with more pain.

Plus...be a bit wary - if she dumped you - it seems a lot of girls (myself included) dump guys and then realise after a while that they'd rather have a guy as they feel less of a person being alone. Don't get used okay?!

But...good luck - we are all waiting with baited breath for the news!!! xx

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