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short, but sweet problem

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hello all! i have a few things on my mind and i really need to spill! ok here goes:

I have been on the same summer swim team since i was 7. the swim team started out huge, but now is @ a whoping 84 swimmers. throughout the years, there have been a few familys that have stayed. Mine and this other great famils are two of them.

the other family i am talking about consists of 3 swimmers on our team. a girl, who is gunna be a freshman in the fall, and twin boys who are a year younger than me, and will be going into 6th grade in the fall. one of the boys, i'll cal him luke, is cute, nice, and real sweet. it just so happens that he likes me, and has liked me for a few years.

The thing is, i have liked him for a few years, and do like him now. my BFF, i'll call her lexie, says he told her he might ask me out. now for the problem, we go to different schools, i am one year older than him, and i am taller than him by a few inches (5in).

So what i'm trying to ask/say is, if he asks me out, what should i say? i like him a lot, but would it be weird and awkward if we were dating? Help! and thanx so much for answering!


Always and 4-evr,

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Not really. Height can be an issue but nothing you can't work through. You're just going to have to accept the fact when you hug his head is going to be at chest level.


The age? That's not a problem, usually girls mature faster then boys but not always and at your ages he should be closer to your level if not at it.


It's going to take work but every relationship does, I think you should go for it.

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