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not finding it fair tht this is now the gay and les forum

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I think they still fit into that category. If you're transgendered, that could be tricky (meaning, just mention you are in your post), but I think what they were thinking was that if you are, you were born a certain sex, and whatever one you like, you are going to be either gay/les or bi. But if you're transgendered, and after your new gender you like the opposite sex, you'd probably want to consider yourself straight, and if not I'd imagine just mentioning that in the posts there...

I guess if it really bothers people they'd change the name, but that's probably why it's only gay and lesbian, and not gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered, probably because its shorter... and if they did all the sexualities, they may as well do "straight" as well because if you're too technical with all the sexuality terminology, it makes it sound inferior.

I don't know! I'm just saying what I think. I didn't even know it was another name at one point.

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I know what you're saying. I suppose if you're bisexual you'd just "be both" then and just explain it in your post you are bi, so that way it still fits into the category-- but I could be wrong... I'm not bi so I can't say I know EXACTLY how you feel about it.

I'm sure it wasn't named that intentionally to cause problems is what I'm saying, hehe.

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I am sorry, it's my fault.

While reviewing our category naming sitewide I noticed that the naming of the forum does not match with what global portals, cataloging systems use, but instead of matching it with the one in use at yahoo directory and dmoz I did it against link removed and link removed model of cataloging.


It is now "Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual" in accordance with:


link removed


link removed


"Transgender" is usually not included in naming but assumed to be covered.

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