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Here in Latvia the whole country celebrates the summer solstice, so as usual I went to a festival in my home town... But somehow this year's summer solstice became so cruel to me - I realized that I had no friends to hang out with, all of them have girlfriends, in the festival, everyone had their friends & loved ones beside... And I was just looking at all these crowds - ALONE...


So I went home very early, keeping my head down in sadness... I wrote a good-bye letter telling that I'm unable to change my life, that I'm always the "weird one", girls are laughing about me, or they call me "different" and don't want a relationship (even if I know them for years), I wrote that I can't imagine my life to continue that way - I'll never meet the only girl who's gonna see me as a human being... And then I took a "Gilette Rubie", hey, the floor got full of blood and, yea, thanks God that I'm too dumb to cut it to the point of no return...


Well, already since christmas I was feeling so upset that I don't have any REAL friends - they just call me when they want somebody to tell jokes, I'm always the funny guy... Then we all get drunk and I go home alone with tears in my eyes, thinking that I'm nothing worth than just being a stupid joker, a nanny for the girls while their boyfriends go puke or something else...


I know I'll try to do it again sometime, don't know if I'll be successful...

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I suppose I will never understand the logic of ending ones own life. Do you really want to die, or do you just want some attention? Answere me that. What is it that makes you think you are the weird and unpopular one, as you seem to say? If you feel used by your friends, then leave, it's no more complicated than that. If you were truly unpopular, you would get no calls. I do not wish to turn this converstaion twords myself, but you have more social contact than I do. If I were you, I would think about what I truly wanted then try to get it. You want friends, you have to go out and take the same risks that we all do. You will fail and you will succeed, just as we do. You seem like you need to be smarter about who you pick out for potential friends. Perhaps someone that is more in your circle of peers. Find the type of people that more identify with the kinds of things you do and would like to do. That is my .02 Message if you wish to talk in private

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Those people are not my friends, they're just COMPANY... If there is a big party or something like that going on, I would get to know about it already when it's over...


I have problems by meeting girls, I guess it's because I've never had a true female friend, I always meet a ton of guys in the city, but there isn't any girl whom I could call by phone and ask to hang out just like friends do...


I don't know how others do it, I wonder how somebody can go to a girl without knowing her, and then, after a few minutes they already have a date... And don't post me those "how to get girls" advices that are all over the internet, telling that you should be comfortable, natural, good sense of humor when you approach some girl - I have all of these needs, but it won't work... I hate looking how stupid fools with shaved bald heads, smelly dress and an awfully primitive way of talking manage to get all kinds of girls...


I think girls are more keen on JUST getting somebody to have sex with rather than the guys...


But the main thing that makes me thinking about suicide is the fact that everyone has got a girlfriend or a whole load of female friends, and I'm filled with a big sadness when I realize that I have made so much girls happy by telling them compliments, making them laugh by telling nice funny things, but do they rememmber me? - NO!!! They call me the weird interesting guy...


Then those chicks even ask me: "Hey, where's your girlfriend?"... I tell them that I'm free, hoping to meet somebody... Then they say that I should find somebody, because I'm intelligent & funny... And as I try to ask THEM out, I receive a "hahahaah"...


I hate my life, and I'm starting to hate girls!!!

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But the main thing that makes me thinking about suicide is the fact that everyone has got a girlfriend or a whole load of female friends, and I'm filled with a big sadness when I realize that I have made so much girls happy by telling them compliments, making them laugh by telling nice funny things, but do they rememmber me? - NO!!! They call me the weird interesting guy...


Then those chicks even ask me: "Hey, where's your girlfriend?"... I tell them that I'm free, hoping to meet somebody... Then they say that I should find somebody, because I'm intelligent & funny... And as I try to ask THEM out, I receive a "hahahaah"...


Then they are not the ones for you. You will find someone to love you for who you are, but only if you give yourself the chance. If you kill yourself you gaurentee that you will NEVER meet anyone.


Also keep in mind that if you don't love yourself, others will sense it. Many girls are attracted to confidence. If they sense that you don't like yourself, it makes it harder for them to like you.


I hate my life, and I'm starting to hate girls!!!


You must first love yourself, and then others will be attracted to you. Don't hate all girls on the basis of the contact you've had with a few. That will only make it HARDER to meet someone.


I know that it feels terrible to be lonely and isolated, But instead of cutting yourself, why not do something constructive that will actually HELP the situation. What is it that you LOVE about yourself? If you can't be conviced yourself that you're a worthy human being, then no girl is going to be convinced.



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My advice is find something you LOVE to do. It must be something where you can have the chance to meet new people. A real passion - not an activity which keep you away from people. Something you enjoy and are can work to get good at. Yes I guarentee that it will work. You will be having fun and girls love to meet guy who have fun. This is much better than using too many dating techniques!

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