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okay so theres this chick i like. i dont think she likes me but its possible. what r some random things i can do to like "nonchelantly" get her to hold my hand.

like for example: she has freckles and im planning on telling her i want to count the ones on her face and ill just like softly touch her face and her lips and stuff and see what happens... a kiss maybe?


any other ideas??

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Whoa dude, how i envy you. i'd never be able to do sth like that. Heck if u like it, u got nothing to lose! (well perhaps the possibility of a more subtle attempt later on)

My reaction is the same as Brahman's. ARE YOU NUTS!!!??? but that's only because i'm a real chicken and not brave to try and do sth like that. And it sounds like a great (and very erotic) way to get sth started.


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well if you guys are going to watch the L word together then i would say while you guys are sitting on the couch then kinda be a little more forward than you would be... maybe put your hand on her thigh or something... but if you're not that forward maybe just slip that you think she's prettier than the girls on the show.


or you could just jump on top of her who knows what she'd like? maybe she'll do that to you 0X i'm crossing my fingers



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im still a little sktchy but i just realized that i dont know the whole gay world as well as i thought i did, maybe its possible,and dont try jumping on top of her i think trying to cuddle with her is the better option.


try this, your all alone,AND YES YOU NEED TO BE ALONE, dont ask why!


so your all al0ne and your wathcing the movie, you could get a little closer and see what she does, keep getting closer and try to make comments about the movie and see how she reacts, if she likes you she will most l;ikel;y talk back, and then you could throw her a "you know i like you" you should be looking at her reactions when you do this, dont force a response just wait a little and then ask you like me" if she says yes go in for the first kiss. then do what ever but if it doesnt go past it then id say your screwed, but at least you know. 8) \

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thanks everyone.

dunno when this is going to happen yet, her mom is being weird. no she doesnt live with her mom but she keeps making her go out and do stuff and taking her car... so yeah.


mgirl- her head is pretty much shaved. lol. thanks anyway


ugh! i cant stop thinking about her. like ever! i know she likes me too... just i dont know how much... shes alwyas on my mind. iwish she could see how special she is to me. i try to put it into words but it just turns out kidna creepyish

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damn thought that tickeling thing would do it. ummmmmm


were something nice, if you were skirts, which no girls do these days, but if it a little on the short side then you might be showing a bit of leg, if so then you might catch her looking. umm you could go get strawberies and feed some to her,ohhhhhhhh ffffrrruuuuiiiittttttt, sorry must have got carried away there lol

good luck keep us posted


oh and sorry for having to ask but 'the L word' i have no idea wot your on about, go ahead laugh. but im a guy, im english, im stupid (apparently) please put me out of my missery. lol

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The L Word is a really bad show about lesbians. It creates stereotypes and uses really bad and ugly actors. There was one episode where a woman practically raped another woman and while i know that gay rape occurs (but is not often talked about), the actual show didn't angle it like that. Instead, it positioned the activity as a kind of "normal" sexual practice between two women. I found it offensive and mis-representative and hate to think what some sort of young person, questioning their sexuality, would have thought.


All in all, i think that shows like the L Word do more harm for our cause than good.

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