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I need help.... please...please. I just need someone to talk to,,,I feel like i'm dying inside,, I don't know whats wrong with me. I 've had a bad couple of months, but i thought things would get better and they've only gotten worse. I don't know where to turn,, i hate my job,, my financial situation is terrible,, friends are gone, girlfriend gone,,, and i've lost control of my life.. I wonder if there's maybe someone here i can talk to. I really need some advice or something. I feel like i'm having a breakdown. I'm really sad and i just want to be happy again one day,, but i don't see how thats possible anymore. If anyone has any advice or can help me, i would appreciate it.. Thanks so much ,, i wish you all a great day

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man i know how you feel

concentrate on one thing at a time, whether it is job, friends, girlfriend

don't try to do all at once.

see what is the most important "problem" to resolve at this time and tackle it, the rest will fall into place.

on the other hand you may be depressed in some way and everything starts to look hopeless.

if that is the case see a phsycologist.

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I got an idea.. how about you make the changes in your life to actually make you happy. Maybe your focusing on the wrong things in life when in reality you need to focus more on other things to make you happy. If you want to be happy then you have to find happiness in yourself and not other people or things. People always then to look out to other people to find that happiness when in reality it only brings out there insecurities.


Do things you enjoy doing, stop thinking in a pessimistic viewpoint. Instead think optimisstically. Most people want to think in a negative way, however that is their choice, instead appreciate the things you have, do things to IMPROVE yourself instead of sulking about how your life isn't at par. YOU are the one that is going to have to make those changes.. YOU control YOU, we don't..

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One thing that has helped me is venting here... Even if no one replies, just getting it out helps tremendously! I do recommend seeing a counselor ot therapist or even your physician...


If you want to find someone to talk to one-on-one, you can feel free to PM me, or find someone on here whose advice you trust (read through the posts)...


I can tell you this: It does get better. Not in two seconds, but in time it really will get better. Think of some tings you like to do, maybe things you havent done in a while... Try doing that thing again.... Go running, bowling, go to the lake, river, whatever... Have an old friend you havent talked to in a long time? Try calling him/her just to see what's up lately...

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Yeah i agree, posting here helps, but I've been doing that for a while now,, and honestly,, I need something else.... I can't take this anymore,, I've tried thinking positively, I've tried looking at what is good in my life, and to be honest i just can't see through all the smoke,,,,,i need help,,,and yes going to see a psychologist would be great,, but i am broke and i can't afford that. So again, i'm stuck,, i appreciate all the replys and all of your advice, its all nice to hear, so thank you eveyone, keep em comin

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