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Help: Going on a holiday with friends who wont stop fighting

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Hey Everyone,

This may sound stupid or whatever to most of you, but I need some advice. Tomorrow night, myself and two of my friends are going on a 3 week holiday to visit my friend's mum (she moved away just over a year ago). The problem is that one of my friends is changing so dramatically ever since she started dating older boys and also since her dad was hospitalised for just over a week. She's starting cutting but has no reason for it. Everyone knows why she's doing it, I mean why would you cut a tally into your ankle and then start wearing skirts!! She does it for attention and everyone knows that!

Recently I became close to this girl again (we grew up together but when we got to highschool we sort of drifted apart a bit) and apparently I've come between her and my other friend who is coming on our holiday, they were really close before I 'stuffed everything up for them'. Marie (the girl whose mum we're visiting) has been snapping out at both myself and Sherre lately. For example, one day she wasn't at school so I asked her why, she'd been to the doctors. I then asked why she went to the doctors and she snapped at me saying 'because of this F*cking cold I've had for 2 weeks!'

Sherre and I have been trying to include her in everything but no matter what we do we're apparently 'leaving her out'. If I ask Sherre how her day is going Marie will get angry that I asked Sherre before asking her.

I think the main reason I'm writing this is because I need help knowing what to do when we're away. Marie makes me and Sherre so angry but we think the holiday will be okay because Marie will be away from her boyfriend and other friends that are sort of coming between the three of us. Does anyone have any ideas how I should act when on holiday?

Thanks in advance everyone!


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Well if your around your friends mom, act normal. Don't act like a *****, well-mannered I guess, act trashy around friends, not friends parents, then you can't really hang out with your friends if you act like an idiot around their parents you don't want that .


What's with a tally in her ankle? Only thought that came to my mind was that how many times she's been screwed lol [shakes head in disapproval of the stupidity]. Cutting is usually due to depression, or if your a satanist it's a way of moving away from God.


She's obviously having some bad times with her dad's hospitalization and dating older guys (who are probably taking advantage of her depending how old they are). Just let her deal with her battle within.

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Her mum is like my second mum! I've known her for like 10 years and yeah she's helped me through heaps of stuff in my life and yeah!

I don't know what the tally is about...she wont tell me..and the older guys are only a couple of years older but now she thinks she's all that and really hot and its pissing me off. She has big boobs and always complains about how much she hates them, yet she'll still flash any guy in sight and yeah. Its so annoying! I just want to lash out and yell at her, but if I snap at her its completely different than if she snaps at me. Its so confusing! Sherre kind of hates Marie at the moment, but is still going away because I'm making her. I don't know, its all way too confusing for me!

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