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ok ive met this girl in our group, she is shy and she doesnt trust alot of ppl, if she doesn't like something she will give you that look that tells you shes not impressed.

So with that in mind what you see is what you get, and no lies and all that, anyways slowly she feels comfortable around me etc, ive managed to get her to be quite comfortable around me.

I give her hugs at times and she likes them, i poke her at times and pinch her nose, she does the same back, and i always tell her shes cute etc. Ive managed to get her to text lately as she didnt do before hand.


Anyways, when i look out the corner of my eye i see her looking at me, its rare that i can catch her though, maybe causes she doesn't want to be caught cause shes so shy. her friend also looks at me but i catch her alot of times.


she had a job interview few days ago, day before i just said good luck, she goes ahhhh thank you!

Last night i went out she was out as well, she looked amazing, i think we are shy around one another, i normally say hello to her last (save best till last). everything was cool, the thing that kinda broke my heart and got me upset,was that she asked where one of my friends was (i hardly see him at all now adays) and i said why, she went all shy, and she said she fancied him.

My jaw dropped, normally im all high in energy smiling dancing etc, but when she said that, i was just really quiet and not doing much and just standing next to a wall.

I looked at her a few times and she caught me twice, it was wonderful looking into her eyes, its an amazing energy there. some ppl asked what was up with me, i didnt say anything.


after we went, we was in one car and all the girls and stuff was in the other car, they pulled up beside us on drivers side, and I was just looking in the opposite direction i looked over twice and there was little old her looking at me from the back seat.


we go and get food, we park up, i just stay in the car and the rest run to the food place up the road. she didnt go and came and sat in the car with me, and sat in the drivers place, she asks what is up, i say im just tired etc.


It was weird her coming to sit in the car with me, im not sure why she did, but we talk, she asks what makes me happy and stuff, and starts asking curious questions. I didnt look into her eyes, i try not to make eye contact.

At times i would look to my left and out of the window, and i know for a fact she would completely turn her head and look at me,i could see this from the corner of my eye, she did this twice. maybe she was soo confused what was up with me, or just knew what she did etc. When they come back she did say, well it was really nice talking to you, i was like

what? I was a bit confused why she said that.


so they all come back with food etc, and her friend gets in OUR car this time not the other, she said to me if something was wrong, and they were both like hey something is up with him etc.


i let them out the car when we drop them home, and get straight back in,

i think she wanted a kiss good bye or watever or hug, cause she was waiting around (heh maybe just waiting for her friend to get out the car but even though they live like 4 doors away from each other).


anyways, the next morning, she sends me a text, a good morning how am i, did i have a goiod nite etc.


I mean whats going on? she either likes me, she either knows what she did wrong and feels guilty, I just dont get it. I did reply to her texts, i didnt answer her questions, i just said a hi and that i was out in the back yard.

she wasnt up beat she just said what she was doing and stuff.


I mean what gives, is she mucking around with me, or does she just feel guilty or confused whats up with me? maybe its a shock to her that she kinda sees that i like her, like the outcome of her actions, me being all quiet and not normal, please help


Maybe what she said was a test, im not sure, but she did come out with it a bit random.

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I agree with susser. Something's gotta happen to kick it up a notch.


Why don't you be the one to do this? I think the girl has given you some signs. I can tell you from experience that there is nothing more frustrating for a female than thinking you're giving a guy all the signs you possibly can without looking like a "harlot" (enotalone wouldn't let me use the "s" word) ... and the guy just doesn't pick up on them. That's when you start thinking he's just not that into you and you withdraw. At least that's what I do.


What have you got to lose? I know some people will say, well, it's 2005, the girl can make the move, etc. ... but unfortunately most women are still hardwired to believe that if the guy isn't making any concrete effort, then he isn't interested, and that we (girls) should not pursue.

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well I just dont want to be hurt, im very very very cautious, so as soon as I hear her say that, i imediatly say this, i just dont know how to approach her, i really do need help, i mean what signs do you mean?

Its strange, because when she texted this morning, she was all up beat etc, soon as i reply seems like she doesnt seem interested and bored, but I text her again later saying im bored, what she up to, no reply im just soo scared of being hurt, and being rejected because i take it very seriously and i dont wanna look like the idiot.

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Ah, okay. I didn't know the rest...and the part about her saying she fancies your friend...hmm. Are you guys teenagers? Because let me tell you two things that happened to me when I was 18 in a similar situation:


1. I was extremely good friends with a guy for eight years (elementary and high school). On and off I believe we had bothed liked each other, but it never amounted to anything (never that strong I think). Well, one night I had a party, he (my friend) was there, everyone was really drunk, and he was holding me because I had to lie down. lol We were talking about stuff, then I told him I liked his best friend. He was shocked and wouldn't really talk to me about it, got up, and didn't talk to me for months. In that instance, I really DID have an intense crush on his friend...but got over it...and then realized that MY friend had liked me all along! And I realized that I liked him! By that time it was too late, though. So your girl might be experiencing something similar; or


2. I also told a guy I was crushing on really heavily that I "liked" his friend to see the guy's reaction. I got what I wanted (he reacted like you did -- silent and sullen) but it backfired. The guy never spoke to me again. lol


But I really don't like this business with your girl -- if she does like you (and it really seems like she does) -- she comes off as being extremely immature and playing a lot of games. You know what I would do? I would ask her flat out if she wanted you to talk to your friend (the guy she claims to like) for her. Something like, "Do you want me to see if he likes you, too?" Then see her reaction. If she says "yes" really enthusiastically, then she probably really does like your friend. If she hems and haws...I'll bet you any amount of money she really likes YOU.

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hmm maybe, but why do you think she likes me? Its weird because he hasnt been out with me for a long while, and i have seen her out a few times, and yet she says it there? I mean it was sooo out of the blue, what would of reminded her of him and stuff, what gives you reason that she likes me, i kind of make all the moves.

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bah im still stuck weather to continue chasing her or just leaving it, can anybody else help?


If she doest just like me as a friend what can i do more, complements or watever, my best attraction has been when woman are soo comfortable around me, but i seem to have forgotten all that because ive been away from woman for a while, BAH, this is messed up when you actually like someone

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Maybe she said that to get your reaction. (Smart girl lol). Maybe she's just really shy to tell you she likes you, but she probably wanted to know because you were probably clueless to the signs.


It sounds a lot like she likes you. I mean, dodging food to go talk to you, then your acting in a crappy mood in the car then she says "really nice talking to you", c'mon! lol. Then her friend gets in the car to observe. Cmon are you blind?!



She came in the passenger seat of the car when people were getting food because she notices your depressed, out of it, etc. It sounds to me like your in the friends category a bit, but she likes you. I don't know how to explain it but yeah.


Just ask her out dude, what do you have to lose?

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well i need help, i just texted her something upbeat, and nice, but no reply.

So i was a bit annoyed, bit like i cant be arsed, but what if she doesnt like me, and just feels bad from what she said? THAT IS ALL.


It is funny, because my other friend in the other car, he didnt get food, and she basically said, bye im going to see me etc.

I was sitting in the passenger and she got in the drivers, i just dont get this girl.


From what i think, she felt bad about what she said because of the reaction she got from me, she was all caring etc, and i got a great deal of looks from her when she saw me soo annoyed and upset.


But then when she texts the next day and i reply, it was as if she was like, well hes ok now so i dont have to bother.


Because since i replyed she hasnt really put any effort in if you get me, i just dont get it

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