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Job has no time for anything else!!!

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Hello Everyone,


Here is alittle bit of history before I begin the complaining part of the post. About a week and a half ago I got a new full time job as a lifeguard. I work five days out of the week and 8 hour days (40 Hour weeks). My hours are from 12:00pm-8:00pm everyday. At the moment I do not drive. I begin driving July 9th so that may help just abit.


The main thing my job is distracting me from is my girlfriend. We have been dating for a year on the 5th, and I've felt so down and sad about not talking or seeing her as much. Two other things are my friends, and my summer in general.


Now before you start giving me ways to help out I will tell you what I have done. I try to call my girlfriend as much as I can, but with a broken cell phone, shifts to where I can only talk to her on lunch (if I ask to borrow a cell phone), and her not able to be on the phone after nine, it all leaves me about 2 hours a day to talk to her. I can call her on her cell after nine, but after being out in the sun all day I am dead tired and want to get to bed. So the call her more often help tip is out the window.


Now you may say just go to her house on your days off? Well thats harder then even calling her. Her parents are major pains. Dont get me wrong, they are nice people and all, but they just must not like us seeing eachother more then once every two weeks so I get to see her even less then before I started this job.


My question is are there any other ways besides the two I just mentioned to get a better summer, and have more time with my girlfriend?

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Can your girlfriend visit you at the pool/beach where you are a lifeguard? How about going out with her on your breaks or just spending some time talking to her?


Your problem is very common my friend. All of us who have full time jobs have to spend less time with our partners and families. It's just one of those things you have to accept.


Make the time you do have together count. See if you can trade a shift with someone to spend a day with your girlfriend. Invite her and her family for a day of swimming. You can still have a great summer together and make some extra money too.

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40 hour weeks???



Damn! Wish I had that much free time! I usually work 54-62 hours a week!



That is somehting that you'll have to get used to, welcome to the adult world. You have to learn how to manage your time, manage your free time and get the best out of it, you'll also have to learn how to make compromises when it comes to your little free time...



Here I am, working on Saturday. I just bought a new motorcycle two weeks ago, and I haven't been able to take a good ride on it! I've only take in it on my commute 3 times, and I really want to give her a good ride...

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I sympathize with you buddy - 12 - 8 are the WORST shifts (I get them from time to time at my job) you can't do anything in the morning cuz you sleep in, and theres very little time in the evening when you're done to do anything that and you are too tired from 8 hours at work. They waste so much time! I could not imagine doing that for the WHOLE summer.


If I were you, I'd just book some time off together with your girlfriend. Like if she has a job too, you could both book a Saturday off together one week and then that would be YOUR day for your girlfriend. Maybe she can plan her schedule around yours at her job or you could change some of your shifts to accommodate her schedule. Just suggestions. My work is pretty flexible with us changing shifts and choosing our days off so I don't know how flexible your job is. But definitely take a weekend off together, even if it is only one day in 2 weeks that you have together you can look forward to that day and making it special. I hope that helps.

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Thanks for the posts everyone, and thank you blueskittles for having ideas unlike some people that are basiccly just saying go cry about it its life.


Problem is (this is directed to Blueskittles) I signed a summer contract with the military that I cannot change my schedule, and I get no leave time...This contract lasts for 90 days so There is nothing I can do to get around the flexibilty thing.


Im going to try to ask my girlfriend if she can work her way around my schedule for the sunday I get off, so I hope that will work. Thanks again Skittles



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I used to work those shifts and loved it! You totally have plenty of time to have a life. Go out after work. Or meet for brunch beforehand. Heck I'd be in bed by 1 a.m. or so, and up by 9 or so hit the gym and then head to work. It was great! Alas I have kids and have to find daycare so those shifts don't work for me anymore.

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There is a problem with that, I am only 17 and she is 15. It is not like I can hang out till 1am and she cannot hang out till after 9 so that would leave not even an hour by the time I get to her house, and in the mornings, I have swim team practices from 7-10 at the same pool I guard at so I stay there basiccly from 7-8 which that rules out the breakfast ....thanks for all tyhe posts guys

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