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how did she now i was a virgin just by talking to me

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ok was talking with the female group class member today and i was sitting next to her-i didn;t bring my textbook. she bought her ex bf about how he keeps on emailing her to do things this and that and i said why don't u just tell him to get lost and she said she can't.


then i asked her out of 10 what would u give me. well anyways she said everyones preference is differ one girl says hot and the other says not-which is true. then i said ah i go for every girl and then she says ah u desperate- and then she said ah i can tell ur a virgin. the thing is i am but i can';t tell how she figured it out just by talking to me. i asked her and she said u seem desperete and can't handle rejection-and some how that relates to being a virgin. anyways i'm 24 maybe look around 22 or so but not sure how she found out.

i mean how can a girl find out if ur a virgin or not just by talking to u-she did say she studied pschology before. any thoughts

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lol..ummm girl's are smart man...most of them know things you'd never expect them to know when you're dating them.


As for you asking her if you were hot....you shouldn't really care what she thought...she could tell you were a little insecure about that and that's why should wouldn't answer the question. If you didn't care, you would have just been a little bit overconfident and said something like "It's okay if you like me, a lot of girls do"....this girl has probably just dated a lot and took a pretty educated guess and was right...don't walk around thinking every girl can do that tho haha

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Probably when you said you "go for every girl" and also when you asked her that question about her attraction it signalled to her desperation...so she deduced from that her conclusion.


She may have meant it as a "dig" when you said basically you would go for anyone.


Generally you can't "tell" if someone is or not, but sometimes certain behaviours and actions and words may signal a lack of confidence in that area.

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any help disguising the virgin factor please guys. what to say and not to say and actions......

ok how does desperation allow a sense that one is a virgin or not, it could be that the guy really likes the girl or is interested. i mean for heck all the guy could have lost it with a escort

its weird just talkin to her and could tell

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any help disguising the virgin factor please guys. what to say and not to say and actions......

ok how does desperation allow a sense that one is a virgin or not, it could be that the guy really likes the girl or is interested. i mean for heck all the guy could have lost it with a escort

its weird just talkin to her and could tell


Because you should not ask a girl if she is attracted to you or not, or tell you you are attracted to "any girl". It does show desperation..someone confident and feels that they do not need to "beg for attention" is more attractive...desperation is unattractive. She probably deduced you have little experience romantically with the opposite sex as a result and made the virgin assumption from that. Yes you may have lost it to an escort, but most people won't assume that is way first time would happen.


She probably has a good sense of people, some people just do, from her own experiences. It does not mean everyone can tell.

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I knew you were a virgin just by reading about the conversation.


Things you did that she caught on to:


1) You asked her if she thought you were hot. If you were 10 years old or if you were at least drunk, I would say that is acceptable, but not for being 24 years old.


2) You told her you go for "every girl". Nothing screams desperation more than that.


I dont understand where she gets off saying you cant handle rejection though.....did you ask her out or something? Because as I see it, there was nothing you said to her that she could have technically "rejected".


As far as sensing how she could tell you were a virgin, I dont believe there is anything psychological about it. I just think its street smarts.

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Its actually pretty simple, but it comes down to her making an educated guess. Just from the way a person talks about certain issue some people are able to get that "virgin vibe" from them. Of course its not a perfect science it just means that your answers are the same that a virgin would give. All of this plus any other actions would have led her to the possible conclusion that you are a virgin.

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By going for "every girl" did you mean that you were desparate and would take anyone who said yes, or that you don't really have a type, theres something attractive in everyone. If you meant the second one, thats what you should have said. Saying you go for "every girl" could be taken as you being desparate, which would lead her to think you don't have much luck with girls and from there guess your a virgin. But you could have said, "I prefer to think everyones attractive in there own way." Would have came off as sweet and not the least bit desparate.


As for disguising the virgin thing, don't worry about it. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin and you shouldn't feel ashamed or like you need to hide from it. Your waiting for the right person, thats something to be proud of.

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