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Should I break NC???? I feel weak...Help!

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I looked at a picture of me and my ex from two years ago when we were so in love, and I felt such a strong urge to call him... I'm not sure it's ok yet because we have not spoken in over a month. He broke up with me and I just miss him more and more. It really sucks, and I just want to hear his voice and talk to him. What should I do????? I've been so strong up until this point but I just feel that we need to talk, I think I need closure, but I don't want to get hurt..all over again.

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He broke up with you. I doubt anything's changed and he wants to get back together again. In the long run, you're just going to be drawing things out and hurting yourself more by contacting him.


I suggest you take all of your pictures of him (as well as any other keepsakes from your relationship), and put them in a box in the attic/basement, or throw them away. The less reminders you have of him staring you in the face, the better.

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You saw my thread? its the same with me - but sometimes you have to just accept the fact that no matter how it was - it ISNT like that anymore. i find it hard, i really do - and i gave in...what did it get me? NADA!

it doesn't work because that guy you loved isn't there anymore - you have to learn to rely on yourself. all the 'forevers' he may have promised are gone away sadly, they aren't forevers now -- but someday when you are better and zinnnnnnnnnnng someone new happens for you youll find the one for you.

I don't believe it properly yet either - but it has happened to so many ppl and we'll get through it. Dont give in. If it's ever gonna happen he'll contact you. For now..your just you - living and breathing and experiencing without him. It's tough but you'll get better..as will i.


Chin up - don't bother contacting - he wont have anything to say that you want or wish you could hear. xx

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Imagine calling him... and what he might say. Imagine him being

an "A" hole...or being rude, or being indifferent, or worse, hanging up on you....I say imagine these things because regardless of WHAT he says...you'll feel as though this is how he was anyway. Simply because it is STILL not going to get you what you are looking for. You are looking for answers he can't give you...or for an "ending" that satisfies you...

You will never be satisfied with the way things ended. At least maintain your dignity and maintain NC...it will get easier...one day at a time.

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i know its easy to get weak and want to initiate contact when you think about the happy times and forget about the rotten times. please love yourself more than to get reinvolved all over again emotionally. know that one day, you will find someone in life that doesnt ever want to say goodbye to you. keep taking steps in the right direction. every day you will wake up it will get easier, and one day, youll wake up and the pain will be gone. dont backpedal now. youre doing great!


from a girl whose been in your shoes before, knows the pain of moving forward after your heart is broken, and knows what its like to still care about someone who does that to you. ive since healed and life is new all over again.

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Have to agree with the others here,


if it's been a month and you haven't heard from him chances are he is moving on and thinking you have done the same.


Pack your photos up in a box and put them away where you won't be tempted to look at them. It's hard to look at them and see how happy you both look, but remember those are captured memories of a different place and time and you guys aren't there anymore.


I agree with the others that in the long run it will just set you back and make it that much harder to keep moving on.... remember how you felt at first? You don't want to go back there again.



Good luck and stay strong.

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