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I like my guy friend.What should I do?

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I liked a guy in my class at first sight.At first,I wasn't sure about my feeling for him.But one day he played guitar in class.At that moment,I was sure that I like him for real.And then I talked to him and became his friend.He's so kind and nice to everyone.So he's so sweet to me too.I stared to like being his friend.I ignored my feelings on purpose.Then one day I told him that I like someone else.Now I regret it now.So should I tell him the truth and confess him?I'm afraid that he'll start to hate me and avoid me.

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Why did you tell him you like someone else?  That's some pretty unwise game playing.

I am not in favor of "confessing" feelings to someone you are not even dating.   Not saying that he'll "hate" or avoid you, but it's going to be very  awkward and put a lot of unnecessary pressure on your relationship.

How about continuing to enjoy your friendship with the guy.  If you are truly  friends, he will soon realize that you are not dating anyone else.  If he's interested in you romantically, he can make his move, or you can ask him to go out with you someplace where it's just the two of you and see how that goes.



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13 minutes ago, Bora said:

 one day I told him that I like someone else.I'm afraid that he'll start to hate me and avoid me.

It's fine to have a crush. If you like him, invite him to connect on social media and invite him to go for a snack or something together. Please don't play games like telling him you like someone else and please don't just blurt out your feelings. Ask him to do something together and please try to be nicer to him. 

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I liked a guy in my class.I talked to him and became his friend.He's so sweet and nice to me.That's why I couldn't give up on him.But actually he's sweet and and nice to everyone.I feel jealous a bit that I'm not the special one for him.Sometimes I hate him for sweet and nice to me.Cuz I might get my hopes up thinking he could end up liking me.But getting my hopes up always betrayed me.Also I know very well that he doesn't like me.He didn't even look at me even when I was in front of him.So should I confess him or hide my feelings and be his friend???

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6 minutes ago, Bora said:

I liked a guy in my class.I talked to him and became his friend.He's so sweet and nice to me..I feel jealous a bit that I'm not the special one for him.

It's fine to have a crush. If you like him, invite him to connect on social media and invite him to go for a snack or something together. Please don't play games like telling him you like someone else and please don't just blurt out your feelings. Ask him to do something together and please try to be nicer to him. 

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1 hour ago, Bora said:

So should I confess him or hide my feelings and be his friend???

I think the word 'confess' is too strong. It implies that you want this guy to relieve you of something pent up that you expel onto him, as though he owns the power to do that.

Think it through. By 'confessing' a crush, would you realistically expect any sane person to respond, "Oh, that's wonderful, because even though I hardly know you, I've been secretly in love with you, as well..."?

It's not as though your options are limited to only two courses of action--the overkill of confession versus 'hiding' anything. How about opting to 'manage' your feelings, like an adult, instead? 

Pursuing a friendship can teach you more about a person that will fill in the gaps that you're imagining about him. Allow him to become a real person rather than a fantasy. You may find yourself falling just as easily OUT of love with the realities of him. This would be preferable to driving yourself emotional over stuff you imagine and project onto him.

Only experience can tell you what reality really IS.

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2 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

It's fine to have a crush. If you like him, invite him to connect on social media and invite him to go for a snack or something together. Please don't play games like telling him you like someone else and please don't just blurt out your feelings. Ask him to do something together and please try to be nicer to him. 

Don't share feelings at this point.  Ask him to go to a social gathering or out on a date/

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I told my crush that I like someone else.And I decided to tell him the truth today.But should I tell him that I don't like that someone anymore or should I tell him that I was joking around??

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