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My boyfriend doesn't value my opinions

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7 minutes ago, Bella Daniels said:

My boyfriend of 5 months doesn't value my opinions all these while, each time I tell him how I feel about it; he will apologize yet he keeps on ignoring them, it's hurting me and I don't know what to do anymore. Please what can I do??

How old is he? What type of opinions?  How is your relationship overall? 

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46 minutes ago, Bella Daniels said:

My boyfriend of 5 months doesn't value my opinions all these while, each time I tell him how I feel about it; he will apologize yet he keeps on ignoring them, it's hurting me and I don't know what to do anymore. Please what can I do??

Is he asking for your opinions? What sorts of opinions? How often do you ask him for his opinion on a choice? 

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Doesnt value you input in general or doesnt value your input in, for example, telling him how to do something and that he doesnt want to do that way? There is a difference in stating your opinion about something and demanding to be done that way. As well as whether your advice is really helpful in a situation or not. That is why bringing a few examples would show a bigger picture.

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Apologies without changed behavior are just words.

At 5 months in you have to look seriously at red flags and this is one. 

Ask yourself this, if he never changes and you always feel this way, is this the relationship for you? 

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If he doesn't value your opinions then you two are just not compatible to be together. Like I have said in another thread, you shouldn't have to teach him how to love and respect you. This shows he just doesn't and your course of action is to dump him. He's not a good BF to you simple as that. 

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5 hours ago, Bella Daniels said:

My boyfriend of 5 months doesn't value my opinions all these while, each time I tell him how I feel about it; he will apologize yet he keeps on ignoring them, it's hurting me and I don't know what to do anymore. Please what can I do??

@Bella Danielswould you please return and tell us what types of opinions you're offering, that he's not valuing?

We have nothing to go on which leads to speculation and guessing. 

I will refrain from responding until more context is provided. 

Thank you. 



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Please give us some clear examples of you offering your opinions on a specific thing and how he responds.Sometimes, a person gives opinions that are not asked for and thus inappropriate.   

In other circumstances it would be completely appropriate and the person shutting it down is wrong to do so.

Also there is the issue of someone disagreeing with another person's opinions - which IS appropriate even though it can feel bad.  This could signal a big disconnect between the values and world view of the people involved but still, it's not wrong to disagree.

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Without any context it's hard to say. If he's an investment banker and you are a bio mechanical engineer offering an opinion on how he should proceed with a stock purchase... Not really a strong argument for your side. Conversely him advising on you designing a new heart valve would equally treated.

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My sister loves to tell everybody in her life (and especially us - her family members) what she thinks about all kinds of their choices.   She feels it's because she's "being honest."  But this type of unsolicited opinion is not appropriate.   They are rarely valued, even if my sister's opinion is actually valuable, because the person on the receiving end was not open to receiving it.

Then, however,  even if you asked for an opinion you are not required to agree or to follow advice.  

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