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Toxic boss, should l resign?

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So l’ve been in this job for one year and three months. 
At the beginning everything was great, good pay and it was company with a good name that would eventually look great on my resume. When l was till new, l accepted things like working on weekends and  coming in whenever they needed me - the nature of job is hospitality but it’s also a office/ desk job- and l’m in charge for room bookings basically for a VERY upscale hotel.

At the beginning l noticed one of my coworkers getting bullied by my boss (our director)  over silly mistakes. She got fired eventually and was escorted out by security in a very bad manner. I also overheard my boss calling my other coworker “idiot” in the office, then one time when l didn’t understand something, l over heard her say “she has no common sense” about me to the other manager. I felt hurt but l let it slide. I continued working weekends, my day off requests were denied, while they allowed one of my coworkers take 3 weeks vacation.

Summer came, and l have requested time off in August (my entire family is in Europe). My request was denied - l was told by my boss to resign.
But l was told since l’m a “good employee”, they’d take me back. Once l returned to States, they re-hired me. But two weeks after, l was given paper to sign that l wouldn’t be receiving commissions for bookings until my 90-day grace period is over. So l’m seeing my coworkers getting more $$$ then me, while l was the one making the MOST big bookings (packages) and generating most revenue for my company. Because of overwhelming work l get put on (cause l’m the most experienced one) l was making some mistakes and my boss has been very mean and condescending to me, calling me out in group chat - when she can address it privately. Etc. 

She starts meetings saying how we all suck, we make so many mistakes, nothing good ever comes out of her mouth. And we do so much work. She always says how lucky we are to have this job. She told me privately “don’t make me regret we took you back” etc.

She keeps pin pointing blame to someone and it’s like she enjoys it. She is never wrong about anything, and she never listens to understand. Only to fight back. I’m tired of it, all my coworkers are so stressed and scared. 

I have requested time off again for holidays, again denied. Is this job even worth staying at? I feel miserable. 

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Well unless for some reason you think you would have no chance to get any other job, yes absolutely you should quit. There is actual bullying and emotional abuse going on by your boss. Have you looked into workplace laws and worker's rights in your state? 

The thing is, quitting is one thing, but I'm pretty sure your boss is behaving in an illegal manner. Workplace bullying isn't allowed and is against basically any company's policy. If this is a fancy hotel then maybe you should speak to higher management and say that you'll be contacting the representative body of your state to make an official written complaint about the manager. You could also get in touch with that staff member who was fired to see if she'd like to make an official complaint. 

Big businesses usually don't like to have a bad name for themselves so maybe they'll discipline or fire your boss. If you're going to quit anyway then what do you have to lose? Someone needs to speak up and make a change. She got away with it long enough.

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Toxic bosses suck.  Taking out their childhood anger issues/personality disorders on people who can’t speak back.  It’s akin to child abuse. 

Find another job.  Then calmly walk into her office, head held high, with a professionally written resignation letter.   Then walk out with your dignity. 

We just had a fun family discussion about past toxic bosses.   Because you see, once you are out of this, with your dignity, you will look back and laugh at her. 

Two fun stories we told:  

1). Several years after quitting a toxic boss, she later was fired, and she asked ME to help her get a job in my new company!  I told my new boss, who I loved, who assured me he’d trash her resume. 
2) A toxic boss who was a constant screaming yeller was yelling from his office, but no one came, since he yelled all the time.  He had yelled so hard that he leaned back in his chair and had partially fallen out the window!



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Ultimate "toxic boss" story. The business owner was a drug using drunk who once ran through the office waving a gun (he kept it under his desk). His wife left him (he abused her) and then I found out recently he died. He was probably only in his late 50s. Oh, and the business got multiple big fines for violating state regulations. 

Since you have this prestigious company on your resume you will likely have no trouble finding new employment. Just be sure not to vent during interviews. Just say you are looking for new and challenging opportunities. 

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